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I don't know if inciting a war crime can be considered a war crime in and of itself, but I do know it is anti-American to advocate actions by US allies that are contrary to US law and practice. Michelle Malkin's gleeful acceptance of torture may tell us a great deal about her, but what bothers me more is that a voice like that has a significant enough audience to warrant her continued screeds. I am disgusted that torture is even discussed as a moral quandary in this country--it is not. Torture is wrong. It is counterproductive. It will, in almost all cases, fail to get you accurate information but rather will provide whatever will please the interrogator. Only the worst and most repressive countries on the planet engage in torture. One of the reasons given for our disastrous adventure in Iraq was the Hussein regime's use of torture. Anyone who advocates torture by the United States or its allies has no place in this country. You have declared yourself the enemy of decency and a criminal to boot. Regardless of what justification your xenophobia and paranoia create in your mind, Ms. Malkin, torture is NEVER warranted.
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