
Christian Artist Resource, ideas and inspiration for the Christian visual artist


Excerpted from the website description:

Creative artist resource to help you uncover your talents and fulfill your destiny as a Christian artist

Additional Information

This site is a terrific resource for Christian visual artists of different skill levels. It is full of inspiring stories, ideas and concepts for exploring God-given creativity. You can also upload your art , if you are a Christian artist, and share what inspires your work.

The site is full of poetry, watercolors, oil paintings, acrylic, mixed media, paper sculptures, polymer clay sculptures, ideas on creativity and much, much more. It is growing and changing constantly, so be sure to subscribe to the site when you visit. Unlike many art sites that simply feature the work of the artists, this site explores more of the nuts and bolts of artistic creativity.

Christian Artist Resource aspires to help develop and grow Christian visual artists to stretch to reach their God given artistic destiny.

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