Category:acne scars

A Global Solution for Millions for People...

Powerstrips are a Patented Fusion of Modern Breakthrough Technology and Ancient Herbs providing an All-Natural Solution for Pain Relief.

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   FG Xpress Powerstrips are Doctor Formulated and listed by the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device.

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FGXpress is designed to bless millions of people with billions of dollars, residually! Our intent is to move money and commodity around the world at record pace. Money is a major part of our health and well being. It is there to serve humanity, not vice versa. The more the merrier, it makes good people better! Xpress yourself today! Easy, simple seamless, global!!!

Discover What Others Are Saying About The Proprietary FG Xpress Powerstrips! FGX PowerStrips & SolarStrips Share the Love!

This is what you see when you first open the FGXpress Powerstrips gift card. When you open up the words are clear. ...Our Human race, in need of a lift Found within, for you a gift. Use it, share it, take a stand. Here and now, It's in your hands! Love and abundance for us all, Welcome Home, your opportunity calls.

The package is wrapped with care with the word love everywhere. The powerstrip ship to the world for you to share.

What Is Acute Pain?

Acute pain begins suddenly and is usually sharp in quality. It serves as a warning of disease or a threat to the body. Acute pain may be caused by many events or circumstances, such as:

   Broken bones
   Dental work
   Burns or cuts
   Labor and childbirth

Acute pain may be mild and last just a moment, or it may be severe and last for weeks or months. In most cases, acute pain does not last longer than six months and it disappears when the underlying cause of pain has been treated or has healed. Unrelieved acute pain, however, may lead to chronic pain. What Is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain persists longer than 3 months, often despite the fact that an injury has healed. Pain signals remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or years. Physical effects include tense muscles, limited mobility, a lack of energy, and changes in appetite. Emotional effects include depression, anger, anxiety, and fear of re-injury. Such a fear may hinder a person's ability to return to normal work or leisure activities. Common chronic pain complaints include:

   Low back pain
   Cancer pain
   Arthritis pain
   Neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to nerves)
   Psychogenic pain (pain not due to past disease or injury or any visible sign of damage inside)

Chronic pain may have originated with an initial trauma/injury or infection, or there may be an ongoing cause of pain. However, some people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of body damage. How Is Pain Treated?

Depending upon its severity, pain may be treated in a number of ways. Symptomatic options for the treatment of pain may include one or more of the following:

   Drug treatments such as non-prescription drugs like Aleve, Motrin, and Tylenol or stronger medications such as morphine, codeine, or anesthesia. Other drugs -- like muscle relaxers and some antidepressants -- are also used for pain.
   Nerve blocks (the blocking of a group of nerves with local anesthetics)
   Alternative treatments such as acupuncture, relaxation, and biofeedback
   Electrical stimulation
   Physical therapy
   Psychological counseling
   Behavior modification

Some pain medications are more effective in fighting pain when they are combined with other methods of treatment. You may need to try various methods to maintain maximum pain relief.

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Western medicine evaluates the effectiveness of ginseng in a different but complementary way. The active ingredients in ginseng are complex carbohydrates called saponins or ginsenosides. Individual ginsenosides appear to have separate effects. Whereas one particular ginsenoside stimulates the central nervous system, another may sedate the central nervous system. Other ginsenosides produce such effects as balancing metabolic processes, decreasing blood sugar, improving muscle tone, stimulating the endocrine system and maintaining proper hormone levels. Research has even shown that ginseng is effective in maintaining and even restoring the cell's capacity to function and therefore may reduce a number of symptoms of old-age.

Although research into the effects of ginseng is ongoing, Dr. I.I. Brekham, a pioneer in ginseng research, has come to the following conclusions after twenty-five years of experimentation:

1) Ginseng stimulates physical and mental activity especially in tired or weak patients.

2) Ginseng defends the human system from the effects of prolonged physical strain.

3) Ginseng acts as a mental stimulant without the side effects of other stimulants.

4) Ginseng stimulates the endocrine glands, including the sex glands.

In recent years Western culture has become increasingly interested in aspects of oriental culture and medicine. Along with the adoption of such Eastern medical practices as acupuncture and imaging, many North Americans have been won over to the healing effects of the ginseng root. It is being taken as a tonic to enhance vitality, to increase stamina and to build up resistance to the psychological and physical stresses of modern life. The curative powers of ginseng are unique in the way they affect the whole body. According to ancient Chinese doctrines, a plant part that resembles a human body part will have a therapeutic value in that location. That the ginseng root resembles the entire human form indicates its use as a restorative that will bring the body into harmony. This harmony, expressed as the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang, is held to be essential to a healthy body and a peaceful spirit. Western medicine evaluates the effectiveness of ginseng in a different but complementary way. The active ingredients in ginseng are complex carbohydrates called saponins or ginsenosides. Individual ginsenosides appear to have separate effects. Whereas one particular ginsenoside stimulates the central nervous system, another may sedate the central nervous system. Other ginsenosides produce such effects as balancing metabolic processes, decreasing blood sugar, improving muscle tone, stimulating the endocrine system and maintaining proper hormone levels. Research has even shown that ginseng is effective in maintaining and even restoring the cell's capacity to function and therefore may reduce a number of symptoms of old-age. Although research into the effects of ginseng is ongoing, Dr. I.I. Brekham, a pioneer in ginseng research, has come to the following conclusions after twenty-five years of experimentation: 1) Ginseng stimulates physical and mental activity especially in tired or weak patients. 2) Ginseng defends the human system from the effects of prolonged physical strain. 3) Ginseng acts as a mental stimulant without the side effects of other stimulants. 4) Ginseng stimulates the endocrine glands, including the sex glands.

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Discover What Others Are Saying About The Proprietary FG Xpress Powerstrips! FGX PowerStrips & SolarStrips Share the Love!

This is what you see when you first open the FGXpress Powerstrips gift card. When you open up the words are clear. ...Our Human race, in need of a lift Found within, for you a gift. Use it, share it, take a stand. Here and now, It's in your hands! Love and abundance for us all, Welcome Home, your opportunity calls.

The package is wrapped with care with the word love everywhere. The powerstrip ship to the world for you to share.

Pages in category "acne scars"

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