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Codebreakers Codebreaking Cryptography Cryptologic Government Intelligence Intelligence Services Signals Cryptology is the art and science of codemaking and codebreaking. According to legend, when Julius Caesar sent messages to his trusted associates, he didn't trust the messengers. So he devised a "cryptosystem" or "cipher" - a method of disguising messages so that only certain people could see through the disguise - and replaced (in terms of our alphabet) every A with a D, every B with an E, every C with an F, and so on. Only those who knew the "Shift by Three" rule could decipher his message (called a "cryptogram").

Like Caesar, if you are creating and using a cryptosystem, you are practicing "Cryptography." On the other hand, if you are trying to break an opponent's cryptosystem, you are practicing "Cryptanalysis." NSA/CSS practices the art and science of "cryptology," which is the study of both cryptography and cryptanalysis.

Definition from National Security Agency