
Welcome to the Canadian Wild: Where the World Hears the Top of North America Roar

Description is where the world hears the top of North America Roar. This is your one stop web portal for politics, sports, entertainment, and everything else. Complete with Canadian rants, top 10 lists, bios, quotes, tidbits, news, sports, entertainment analyzed with a humourous pro-Canadian bias from Edmonton. communique is continuosly updated with the latest breaking news from CBC, BBC, and the New York Times and the best from the most respected news organizations on the planet. Our aim is to deliver you opinions that mainstream media scims over.

This site's identity shall be Canadian first. The site is divided into two sections of links and rants. The rants will contain balanced views that take into account Dave's diverse views. The rants will show where Dave stands and the rants goal is to educate the readers about what is the correct view on a specific issue. Dave likes to think himself as politically centre-left, and believes strongly in personality and that the leader is the most crucial element in politics.

Dave has a profund interest in Canadian politics and global affairs. That's why I decided to acquire a political science degree. I have also backpacked throughout Australia and New Zealand where I developed a greater appreciation of Canada and became a little more aware of new ideas. The three biggest political events that reinforced how I look at the world were the Rwanda Genocide, 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq.

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