
What is URL Masking?

When I first learned of URL Masking - I was thrilled. Some of the website URL junk that was removed by URL Masking was a bummer.

URL Masking causes the DomainName (your domain name) remain in the URL Bar and not the actual address.

Example: You buy your domain name, sign up for any number of pre-made website like Blogspot or WordPress.

When arriving at this website through this link: http://jbruce38.com

you can get to invidual posts: http://jbruce38.blogspot.com/2011/04/we-cant-breathe-what-we-burn-jbruce38.html

But you can't see that URL in the URL Bar - you can only get to a granular link by hovering over the link and copying the link.

A big way for people to share on the internet is to link to indivdual content. URL Masking makes it a lot harder to share your individual content.

But URL Masking is a great idea for DotWiki

http://TechCoffee.com is a good example of why the alternate way is kinda painful - you can link to indivual posts - but now you lose the domain -

Real time: http://MeetingWords.com/urlMasking

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