
Prakash Bakery is in specialist of making the crispy, crunchy, tasty, fresh and delicious biscuits. Prakash Bakery is in specialist of making the crispy, crunchy, tasty, fresh and delicious biscuits.

During the partition between India and Pakistan in the year of 1950, Jetumal Panjumal Wadhwani came from Sind (Now in Pakistan). He had the skills of making the bakery items. In that time period, there were no machines or yeast; hence, everything was done manually such as mixing of dough, cutting of dough. The ovens were made traditionally of wooden fired. It was very hard time to cope with these things but he never lost the strength and manage to do all the things.

To supply the products in the market, we haven't had that much transport available. So we use to supply the products in the nearer villages by walking or by cycle.

As the time passed, sons of Jetumal – Shivalmal and Prakash joined him in the business. Both Shivalmal and Prakash applied their young mind into business and bought the latest machinery to make the products delicious and more tastier.

In the modern era, as the demand of bakery items has boosted the machines like rotary ovens, spiral mixer, speed machine helps the products to make them fresh, delicious and tastier.

Nowadays, people need the bakery items at every occasion like in birthday parties, or in wedding anniversary, ring ceremony. These occasions seems to be void without cakes, snacks or without biscuits like Khari, Farmash, Butter Toast. In every festival, biscuits and cookies are gifted. So these days, bakery items add more enjoyment in our life.

As we saw the demand of our Praksh Bakery item in different - different areas, we introduced our other branches and we keep doing it as the demand increases.

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