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Filma Shqip

Besides the entire music videos and mp3's coming for download, you can also watch films Albanian. These are the films into three categories: Modern, Dashuri and History

Filma Shqip - Modern In these more recent films are some issues of the nature of post-treated. These are often material / financial, technical and difficult conditions, so the quality is usually bad! But some are still exciting and worth seeing. Especially the Spanish Film Guerrero, which you can buy the best, get it for cheap 3 € at Ebay, simple look.

Filma Shqip - History There are historical, political films, such as under Enver Hoxhas times or to the Albanian national hero Skenderbeu, but to appoint is currently a new movie in Skenderbeu is receptive, the next few months should appear.

Filma Shqip - Dashuri In the category is about love movies. Especially to love in difficult political or soziellen, cultural times. Nevertheless, they are sometimes depicted idyllic romantic. But simply making your own image and let it inspire you.

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