Domain Page

Revision as of 12:19, 24 March 2008 by Saad Saeed (talk | contribs) (Updating image.)


One of the foundations of AboutUs is that we are a socially editable directory of the internet. A DomainPage is a type of WikiPage that describes and links to a domain, or website.

  • To begin editing a DomainPage, search for a website and click "Find!"

We Link To Websites

One of the foundations of AboutUs is that we are a socially editable directory of the internet. To find a DomainPage on AboutUs simply type it into the search bar and hit Find!. For instance, if you're looking for AboutUs, type

We have four ways that we link back to the website a wiki page references. The page name, the thumbnail, the link above the thumbnail, and read more in the main text. The latter can be removed by editing the page.


For software developers

The following query will show a list of pages that are or are not domain pages.

select page.page_id, is_domain_page,page_title
from au_page_meta,page
where au_page_meta.page_id=page.page_id
limit 10;

The following function from "wiki/extensions/PageMetaTasks/PageMetaTasks.php" uses a regular expression rather than au_pge_meta_table to return whether the page is a domain page or not.


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