is a Marietta Criminal Defense Lawyer

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At Henrickson & Sereebutra, the priority is always placed on our client’s needs and best interests. Treating each client with a high level of respect, no matter whether they are facing criminal charges or need help with a divorce, we focus on building relationships with our clients. We strive to be there for you when you need it the most. For those needing a criminal lawyer in Dallas, GA, you can rely on the team at our firm, as they a have experience as former prosecutors, giving them an upper hand in knowing how the other side of the courtroom operates. Those needing assistance with family law matters, you can take comfort knowing that we will personally review your case and help you come up with a solution that is most beneficial for you and your family.

Fill out our free case evaluation on our website or call us today! Over 40 years of combined experience in Dallas, working to protect your rights.

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