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College Loan Consolidation Help


To help ease the burden of college debt, we created College Loan Consolidation Help to provide guidance to graduates and borrowing parents as to how they could maximise the benefits of college loan consolidation.

Reality check on college debt in the United States

-> Approximately 6 out of 10 college graduates have some form of educational debt;

-> out of those 6, 4 in 10 cannot afford the level of debt they are in;

-> The average college student graduates with $3200 in credit card debt and $18,900 in student loans - this is almost three and a half times more when compared to graduates a decade ago;

-> Today's graduates enter the job market where the average entry job pays less than it would have in 2000.

This is not a pretty picture and you, a college graduate or a borrowing parent are not alone. Many graduates face multiple loan repayments putting a great financial strain on their not so big entry level salaries. This forces young adults to postpone getting on to the property ladder and setting up a home.

Start by learning College Loan Consolidation - The Basics, browse through various College Loan Consolidation Resources and articles and visit our featured college loan consolidation providers. We hope you find this resource useful and we wish you happy College Loan Consolidation!



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