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Teens on Heroin

An individual undergoes constant changes that are very vital in his or her personal development. Among these stages, pre-teen and teen years prove to be the most challenging among the other stages of human development. Adolescence is probably the most difficult, awkward, and crucial point in any person’s life. In this phase, abrupt and vital changes tend to occur that induce a sense of overwhelming confusion upon an individual’s half-formed beliefs. However, these changes that have been experienced by an individual during his or her teenage years prove to make up the most crucial and major turning point in his or her life. Thus, every single decision or act that one commits during these fragile and tender years seems to play a big role on one’s holistic development.

Today, more than any given time frame in history, it is more apparent that teenagers are heavily exposed to various forms of trends that spring out from the clear fountain of society. In fact, they are even more exposed to various dangers that lurk within its deepest recess. One major danger that modern teenagers are exposed to is drugs.

Indeed, it can be easily observed nowadays that drugs, at one point in these teenagers’ lives, tend to become part of their adolescent lives. What is even more disturbing is that taking in illegal drugs, for instance heroin, actually distorts the views of teens on their selves and their environment. It is no surprise then if they feel that their futures are even bleaker.

Why Teens Resort to Drugs

Being a teenager entails many new discoveries and new sets of challenges that may seem daunting for an individual who is going through this kind of phase. It is in this specific period that an individual needs all the help and guidance he or she needs for family and friends. Thus, teenage substance abuse occurs when this kind of need is not fulfilled. More specifically, certain teens resort to drug abuse when he or she experiences one of the following: lack of communication between his or her parents, excessive severe punishments from parents, family conflict, or very lax parental supervision and monitoring.

Addiction and Rehabilitation

In most cases, teens tend to succumb to getting hooked on these drugs. However, heroin addiction tends to become the major cause of deaths from substance abuse. Therefore, it is highly essential that friends and families support their loved one who seems to get hooked on this kind of addiction. However, if their loved one's addiction seems to already border on severeness, it would be a very wise decision to place this loved one under an effective addiction treatment program to completely remove the stranglehold that heroin has on him or her.


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