
Revision as of 21:06, 13 April 2007 by (talk)


Kumquat - Hello, kumquat

Additional Information

You do good work. You deserve to know how you did.

Too many of us get too little critical feedback. With Kumquat, we hope to change that sad fact. To more of a happy thing.

If you’re anything like us, your career has been relatively devoid of feedback. You’ve been driven by your own desire moreso than the opinion of your superiors and peers. And your requests for guidance have often fallen flat or been completely ignored. Worse yet, this feedback—when it comes—only comes on a quarterly or annual basis.

Yes, my friend, it’s a sad and sordid tale.

If you’re in the traditional corporate-review setup, you’re only as good as your last project. Or maybe the project before that. If you’re out on your own or at a small company, you have absolutely no structure to support a formal review process.

Which leads us to ask, is this really the most valuable environment for furthering your development?

Of course, the answer is no. Why would we ask the question, otherwise?

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