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Main Cack


It’s All About Me! Me, me, me, me, me!

The Cackster is a persnickety old coot, who spends his time surfing the web in search of odd, time wasting sites that have little or no possible intrinsic value. The value, he often says, is in the searching, not the finding. This is no easy task, requiring a dedication that can usually only be found in the type of humans that inhabit the skankiest of bars and taverns. It’s a tough life, but SOMEONE has to do it. Oh, and please check out some ads from our sponsors. Every ad you read allows the Cackster to not-work for another few minutes. And work is SO overrated, don’t you think?

[Too Much Info] [Shoeitis] [My Dog] [possum hunt] [Survivor: Detroit] [Iraq War] [dr. evil - Bad Guy Names] [Adam Sandler & I] [What Is News] [A New State Motto For Indiana] [Chuck's Theory] [Betty Lou Takes A Bath] [60 Minutes Screws Up] [Paws The Killer Cat]

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