Revision as of 01:11, 4 February 2007 by (talk) (Additional Information)


1000 Faces of Mother Henna by Kara LC Jones


Excerpted from the website description:

Henna Arts and Reiki Healing services with Kara Jones available on Vashon, in Seattle, Tacoma, and other Pacific NW locations.

Additional Information

It is a personal commitment to life and work as an artist. And it is a spiritual commitment that came to Kara after she learned about the Jizos for Peace project that was started at the Great Vow monastery near Portland. To date, according to the website, they have over 400,000!!

Because Jizo affected her life after her pregnancy with and stillbirth of her son, Dakota, Kara decided to make a vow honoring this Bodhisattva through her artwork. Just as Jizo was a light through the darkest times for Kara, she hopes to offer each face, each piece of artwork, as a light to those who are seeking.

While all our "1,000 Faces of Mother Henna" images are protected by copyright, you will find that the "Seek Peace" (eyes closed) face shown above has a Creative Commons copyright on it. We hope that by sharing out the rights to this image, we can participate and encourage others to engage in peace. We wish to invite you to download the "Seek Peace" face (eyes closed) for desktop wallpaper, as a jpg, or PDF file. Feel free to print out, copy, make art, hang flyers, or forward to friends in your own efforts for peace. Please do not spam anyone or illegally poster though!

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