Revision as of 12:19, 15 November 2006 by MihaiRad (talk | contribs) (Services)

Sun Microsystems

The Sun Company

Sun logo.jpg is the web site of the Sun company that has been created in 1982 and which has the goal to bring the world’s brightest technical minds together in order to solve the most complicated technical problems that may appear. They have created a network where people interact by sharing information and trying to solve problems. The company was created almost 25 years ago with the vision that the network is the computer, a vision that was supposed to connect everyone interested in sharing ideas and solving problems around the world. The Sun company rapidly became to be considered one of the most innovative leaders in the industry in what servers, storage, software and services are conserned. The company has shown that their major interest is network computing. The most interesting thing about is that it allows everyone who proves useful to be a part of the networking team. It is great to see that everyone and everything can participate on this network.

The established website has a great layout with comprehensive categories that are easy to access.

The Sun Mission

The Sun company’s mission is to create new technologies and encourage acommunities to be more active in the network. They do this by engeneering solutions for the customers’ problems and then sharing their solution on the network in order to encourage other communities to participate and share their thoughts and ideas. This way, by using the web site the sun team is aiming to create opportunities on the continuously changing global new market. For the sun team one of the most important things is to build and run the world’s participation infrastructure. Whatever problem you may have, concerning your server, desktop or even software the sun team will offer you a consistent design that is the result of over 20 years of experience in network computing.


The company offers consiliation as far as systems are concerned, being able to help desktop clients and even high performance servers and entire computing grids.


As far as the software is concerned the sun team has come up with a quite simple strategy because they want to provide their clients with easy and free access to the entire software they may need. provides an open portfolio that contains integrated and interoperable software that is able to run across multiple platforms andenvironments.


The Sun company has become one of the most appreciated storage market leaders by protecting and managing an immense quantity of digital archived data world wide. With the help of the sun team, their customers are now able to simplify their IT infrastructure and considerably reduce their costs.


The sun team consideres that their customers should be concebtrating on their business’ needs and let them worry about running data centers. They want to deliver transparent IT services that are simple, automated and user oriented so that the customer should spend very little time to understand how to use it in order to solve the problem.

The front page will introduce you to all the featied categoriesexistant on this site. Are you interested in products? Or you want some downloads? Just click on the services section and you will be presented with a wide range of sollutions: conslulting and IT, grid compute utility and many more. Click further on the Grid Compute section, you get a detailed description of these services in several sections: at a glance, spotlight, customer sucess stories or other resources. In case you need some support, you can enter the knowledgebase, or read teh system handbook, or simply just ask the team for some online support. Do you need training? Check out the course catalog, where you can browse by topic, and opt for instructor led training or self-paced training.

All in all, is a complex website containing plenty products and services. The design of the site is pleasant with minimum colors, featuring great pics.




2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View CA 94043 US


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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