Revision as of 08:44, 15 November 2006 by (talk) (Goldarths Review)

Goldarths Review

Connoisseurship Redefined.


Goldarths Review is an online luxury magazine focusing only on the finest products and services in the world, like supercars, luxury yachts, fine timepieces, bespoke suits et al. The content is purpose-built for the Internet, and not simply print articles put online.

Goldarths Review gathers experts to write on their topic of expertise, and presents the content in a manner that exhibits high production quality as well as a deep understanding of web-surfing behavior.

Through this combination of content selection, aesthetics and user-friendliness, Goldarths Review is effectively the first true environment for ultra-luxe on the Internet.


No. 9 Raffles Place
58th Level, Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619


Julian Peh
Publisher, Goldarths Review

Additional Information

Compared to physical publications, for which ad viewership figures are at best an educated guess, Goldarths Review is able to track with precision numerous analytics data like ad impressions, session duration, etc. All site analytics data is audited and tracked by Nielsen//Netratings, a company of the AC Nielson group.

External Links

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