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Lake County Democratic Party


In the March 2004 primary, Democrats in Lake County cast nearly 1000 more votes than Republicans. The total Democratic vote was 47,193 -- 48% of the primary ballots. That may not sound like much unless you know that just eight years ago, Democrats cast only 21% of Lake County ballots.

Nevertheless, Democrats have been elected to state and local offices in Lake County for the past 35 years. In 1970, the late, great Grace Mary Stern became the Democrats first county-wide official when she was elected County Clerk. Democrats held that office for the next 24 years (12 under Stern; another 12 under Linda Hess). The 1970's also saw the election of Sheriff E.J. (Chick) LaMagdellan and State's Attorney Dennis Ryan. Democrats also elected their first State Senator from Lake County, Bill Morris, to represent the Waukegan area.

In 1992, Terry Link became chair of the Lake County Democratic Party. In that same year, Grace Mary Stern won a State Senate seat and Lauren Beth Gash was elected State Representative from the Highland Park area. Several Democrats also won County Board seats that year, including Carol Spielman, who still serves on the board.

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