fights the export of toxic waste from rich to poor countries.

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Basel Action Network (BAN)



What is BAN?

BAN is the world's only organization focused on confronting the excesses of unbridled free trade in the form of “Toxic Trade” (trade in toxic wastes, toxic products and toxic technologies) and its devastating impact on global environmental justice. Working at the nexus of human rights and environment, we confront the issues of environmental justice at a macro level, preventing disproportionate dumping of the world's toxic waste and pollution on our global village's poorest residents. Further, we promote sustainable and just solutions to our consumption and waste crises.

We are a secretariat and clearinghouse based in Seattle and a global network of activists linked by internet and a common cause. We are a project of Earth Economics based in Seattle, Washington, which is in turn a registered project of our 501 (c) 3 charitable organization fiscal sponsor -- the Tides Center.

Our Mission:

BAN works to prevent the globalization of the toxic chemical crisis. We work in opposition to toxic trade in toxic wastes, toxic products and toxic technologies, that are exported from rich to poorer countries. Alternatively, we work to ensure national self-sufficiency in waste management through clean production and toxics use reductions and in support of the principle of global environmental justice -- where no peoples or environments are dispro-portionately poisoned and polluted due to the dictates of unbridled market forces and trade.

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Additional Information

This website was mentioned on Oprah's 2008 Earth Day episode as the place to go for information on recycling your old computers so they don't end up in landfills.

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