Home Page Analysis

Revision as of 22:10, 25 June 2013 by KristinaWeis (talk | contribs)

Learn How You Look on the Web


You've got a website, and you'd like more people coming to it. You know you'd get more traffic if your site appeared higher in search engine results...but you're not sure how to make that happen.

The free Home Page Analysis shows you how search engines see the most important elements on your site's home page, and tells you about your site's prominence on the Web. We offer you accurate insights in jargon-free language, with tips for making your home page more visible to search engines.

How To Find the Home Page Analysis


Enter your site's domain name - for example, MyWebsite.com - in the search bar at the top of any page on AboutUs.org. Click on the spyglass symbol, and you'll get to your site's profile. Click on Home Page Analysis to learn more about your site and how to improve its SEO.

AboutUs member Wolfgang Bloomfield explains the benefits of the free AboutUs website analysis in this video he made.

Questions or feedback about the Home Page Analysis? Email us or call us at +1.503.488.5763. We're happy to hear from you.

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Check Out the Rest of Your Site

If you like the free Home Page Analysis,
you'll love the Site Report.

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