Revision as of 15:19, 18 April 2011 by Chason (talk | contribs)

So what is Gardenality?

Gardenality is the culmination of technological innovation and gardening. Brent Wilson and Chason Arthur are the two leading minds behind the simple concept of leveraging technology to enhance gardening experiences around the world. How do we accomplish that? Here's how:

  • 100% free to use.
  • Member powered.
  • Innovation gardening.
  • Advanced tools, simple to use.
  • Shared vision for a big future.

Membership that is 100% free!

Gardenality is member driven and it would be pretty cheeky of us to charge the drivers! That means Gardenality is 100% free to use AND it is our pledge to not pester the petunias out of you with annoying ads or pop ups. We hate that on other sites and as such won't be replicating that here!

  • Create your gardens, present and future!
  • Search using the most advanced yet simple to use plant search ever created!
  • Ask your gardening questions!
  • Share your gardening experience!
  • Comment on your favorite plants, answer gardening questions, or write an article about your gardening experience.

Show off your personality on Gardenality!

While accurate and useful information is vital, Gardenality is also a place for personality, or "Gardenality" as we call it. Share pictures of *your* style of gardening as well as how your unique innovation and problem solving let you cross previous boundaries thought to be uncrossable. Gardeners love to see others love for things that grow, so don’t be off your Gardenality today!

Dream BIG

Gardenality's goal is to enhance gardening experience for gardeners around the world, and to do that we need YOU to DREAM BIG. But don't just dream, share your ideas. We have the team to grow dreams into reality, we just need the seeds...and that is where you come in. Every idea you have is a have them right now, see there’s one right now - grab it - share it on Gardenality!

You will be the ultimate determination of Gardenality’s success

We decided in the visionary stage of Gardenality that in order to create a sustainable resource for gardeners we must equip all gardeners with tools needed to empower themselves. It is our desire to provide a simple and efficient framework that inspires gardening knowledge to be sown and cultivated around the world. We don't try to play a part in every little detail but rather invest our energy in assuring the tools are in place to let the site grow accurately and efficiently and continuously by the gardening community. Gardenality is what **you** make it!

With that said, Gardenality needs you! If gardening is either your profession or your hobby, every gardener has a part to play in Gardenality. From sharing your knowledge and experience or simply your pretty pictures, each gardener who sows a little of his or her passion for gardening makes Gardenality that much better!

How does Gardenality maintain accuracy?

Accurate information is the lifeblood of Gardenality. We ensure information is accurate by a simple quality control mechanic powered by the Gardenality community.

What if I find something I know to be incorrect?

You will eventually stumble across an inaccuracy, no site can guaranteed complete accuracy so rather than trying to inevitable avoid mistakes we have put multiple tools in place to quickly and easily fix those mistakes.

Where did Gardenality come from?

Creators: Chason and Brent][1]In 2008 chance brought together two visionary minds that just so happen to share two very similar personalities yet two very different skill sets. Brent, the expert gardener, and Chason, the something, both able to look at something not for what it is but for what it could become. Together they began to brainstorm a solution to bridge the gap between the cutting edge technological innovation of the 21st century and age-old gardening. Brent’s extensive gardening experience allowed him to see areas for improvement that meshed with Chason’s innovative problem solving and no limits thinking to create what became Gardenality. Their unique and diverse skill sets created a multifaceted dynamic duo of visionaries that had the knowledge and means to bring any idea or dream to life.

Brent and Chason were also supported every step of the way by the additional gardening and business savvy of Brooks Wilson and the technology skills along side the “I think you’re over complicating it” attitude of Brian Young. These four minds make up what we refer to ourselves as “the Gardenality guys”. Truly an amazing team of individuals who each strive to put others first. With this team of innovators, and you, Gardenality has amazing potential for future growth.

How did Gardenality get its name?

As with any new idea, it started as a concept way before it's was given an official name. Originally coined Gardenai by Brent, Chason sought out various dot com sounding names like Gardendom, Gardenoso, and Gardenality. Holding true to our vision of a web site for gardeners, by gardeners, the final call was made after the results of a poll on Brent and Brooks popular nursery site, Wilson Bros Gardeners spoke and Gardenality won by a landslide. Now we just couldn't think of any other name that would do!

How was Gardenality made?

Gardenality’s brand, look, and feel were created by Chason. He is also the primary programmer that coded the majority of the approximately 80,000 lines of code that make up the Gardenality BETA. Brian Young contributed to the initial development of the BETA as well, focusing on the various social networking components and keeping Chason from going completely loopy from staring at too much code and, of course, keeping Chason from "over complicating things" - lots of love.

Where did the information at launch come from?

Brent lead the charge in creating the hundreds of detailed articles, plants, and thousands of attribute relations. Assisted by Brooks and several other gardening experts, Gardenality received a major jump start. Now Gardenality is poised to become a major player in plant, gardening, and landscaping information online. The best part is we treat the information with respect, giving it the latest technological tools so it is indexed properly making it a breeze to search, share, and study.

Where is Gardenality headed?

Gardening is all about growth and Gardenality is no different. Gardenality has big plans for the future but our primary concern is quality over quantity. Our immediate goal is to perfect the BETA features making them smarter, faster, and stronger. There is a good deal of ideas floating around our heads and we are anxiously awaiting the ideas you share as well. We’ve made the ground, now the sky’s the limit!

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