
Revision as of 17:16, 22 September 2010 by Thomas Luce (talk | contribs)

you @

This address will now show on screen correctly, but as a graphic image instead of text:

If you want to edit the address, it will look like this:


If you want to change it, just replace the "gobbledygook" in the middle with the new e-mail address and the graphic version will be updated. Please note, the graphical representation of your updated text will not be rendered in a preview of the page but only when the page is saved and viewed.

If you put [[ProtectEmail]] in the edit summary, others can learn how you did it!

Note: When you use "show preview" the protected email address will not be displayed. When you save the changes, the image will be readable.

Adding email addresses without the protection

If you prefer adding a clickable email link without this protection you can do so in the following way:

[mailto: Email Me]

...which would produce: [ Email Me]

You'll have to make sure you choose the "Don't automatically protect email addresses" option before you save, otherwise the link will automatically be replaced by an image.


Solution to image-scraping?

reCAPTCHA has this great mailhide feature and they have a php library available. The user can't see the email address until he/she clicks on a link. A new window opens asking the user to answer a captcha. If the captcha is answered correctly, the email is shown. I was wondering if this could be used on AboutUs, even though it's a wiki.

More information

Vartan | talk 19:46, 5 October 2007 (PDT)

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