Revision as of 08:25, 15 May 2010 by lair360 (talk | contribs) (Contact)


Globalnews is related to computers, software, security, internet related issues, tips, advice and repairs.

Additional Information was created by Lair360, from Scotland. He designed this website for IT learners, students and staff to solve their computer issues, errors and explore the world of vbscript, javascript, batscript and many more!

There will be new articles published daily on my blog. So, please add me to your RSS and share any of my articles with friends or family.

Thank you for your generous support and kindness.


Notice and Information

If you like any of my articles or project, please send me a small praise, suggestions or comments about my work.

Notes: due to the amount of SPAM emails, I would like you to add this ID number into your subject box. This is use to separate emails that are not SPAM. Also, please do not attach any sort of documents or compressed file. If your email has an attachment, it will be deleted!

ID Number: 32152



If you want to report bugs or broken links. Then please use this contact form to let me know where the problems are hidden.



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