Ray King's Book Picks

Revision as of 19:32, 20 March 2010 by Ray King (talk | contribs) (Operational Excellence)

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Macro Thinking

Operational Excellence

  • Switch - Dan and Chip Heath
  • Who - Geoff Smart and Randy Street
  • Designing for the social web - Joshua Porter
  • Elements of User Experience - Jesse James Garrett
  • Mastering the Rockefeller Habits - Verne Harnish (The methods we use at AboutUs)
  • Good to Great - Jim Collins (a must read)
  • Inside Advantage - Robert Bloom
  • Leadership and Self Deception - The Arbinger Institute
  • Pat Lencioni (short fable style books)
    • 5 Temptations of a CEO
    • Death by Meeting
    • 5 Dysfunctions of a team

Domain Industry

  • Ruling the Root - Milton Mueller

How the Mind Works

  • Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • On Intelligence, Jeff Hawkins (amazing book)
  • Mind Wide Open - Steve Johnson
  • Blink - Malcolm Gladwell

Investigative Reporting

  • Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson (Northern Pakistan)
  • Jon Krakauer books:
    • Into Thin Air (Mt. Everest)
    • Under the Banner of Heaven (Mormon Fundamentalism)
    • Into the Wild (Alaska)
  • The New New Thing - Michael Lewis
  • Liars Poker - Michael Lewis


About Specific Businesses

  • Only the Paranoid Survive, Andy Grove (Intel)
  • Maverick - Ricardo Semler (Semco)
  • Odyssey - John Scully (Apple)
  • Faster Company - Patrick Kelly (Physician Sales & Service)
  • Business at the Speed of Thought - Bill Gates (Microsoft)
  • The Road Ahead - Bill Gates (Microsoft)

Self Help

  • Unleashing the Soul of Money - Lynne Twist
  • The Four Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss
  • Who's got your back - Keith Ferrazzi
  • The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt (super book)
  • Getting Things Done - David Allen
  • The Power of Now - Eckhard Towle


  • A Case of Exploding Mangoes - Mohammed Hanif
  • In other rooms other wonders - Daniyal Mueenuddin (Great perspective on Pakistan)
  • Down and out in the Magic Kingdom - Cory Doctorow
  • Curious incident of the dog in the nighttime
  • Kite Runner
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Fountainhead
  • Dan Brown Books (ok I'll admit it)
    • DaVinci Code (Best in my opinion)
    • Angels and Demons
    • Digital Fortress
    • Deception Point
  • Gates of Fire - Steven Pressfield

Recommended to me

  • Obed's picks:
    • The god of small things, Arundhuti Roy
    • Midnight's Children, Salman Rushdie
    • The Dancing Girls of Lahore, Louise Brown
    • The Sandman Comics, Neil Gaiman
  • Asad's picks:
    • Things fall apart, Chinua Achebe

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