
Revision as of 21:53, 19 January 2010 by cthumwood (talk | contribs) (1. Make the image)
Were you looking for a badge to link to AboutUs externally from you website/blog? See Badge for website owners page.

AboutUs and our community have placed badges on various article pages, personal pages, help page and other pages on our wiki to help organize data and signify various communities, interests and portals. Feel free to create your own.

Create your own

Creating your own badge is as easy as making a template. To ensure that your badge will work along side others, there are a few standard guidelines:

--cthumwood 13:53, 19 January 2010 (PST)

[[[Protecting pets like family & helping pet owners give their pet a life-line to safety when it counts!]]]

2. Make your badge (template)

  1. Edit Template:YourBadge (replace YourBadge with the name of your badge).
  2. Add this code:
  3. In order to get the images to click correctly via the template, change PageLink to the page that this badge will redirect to, and the to the permanent URL for your badge image.

3. Place your badge

  • on DomainPages: Generally, we're placing badge in the "Domain_Page" section of an article page (in the case of DomainPages). On a DomainPage, add a badges = {{YourBadge}} | into the "Domain_Page" template, like so:
  • on other pages: Badges can also go on individual PersonalPages as well as other WikiPages, simply by adding them to the page like any other template. These will default to the left side of the page, but the way these are constructed, a "magic pipe" can changed the orientation. Simply add {{YourBadge|right}} to have your badge float on the right side of the page.