Revision as of 15:12, 21 October 2009 by canvas prints (talk | contribs) (Why Choose Us?)


About ClickITSEO

ClickITSEO are a full service web design and online marketing agency based in Leeds, West Yorkshire. We offer a range of services including:

  • SEO Friendly Web Design and Development
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

The company is owned by Ben Rush, a specialist in online marketing and eCommerce. We aim ourselves towards the small to medium sized organisations offering a high level of service at an affordable price.

We like to work closely with our clients and our guiding principal is that our business should grow with the success of our clients businesses. It may not always ring true, but we would like to hope that if we can help you increase your business, we might just get some benefits from that to. It is that guiding principal that makes us a very results orientated business that strives to provide benefit to our clients in everything we do.

"Without representation in search engines, most businesses will fail online," Ben Rush

Why Choose Us?

If you're looking for an online marketing or web design agency the chances are you've noticed there is quite a few out there to choose from. This is largely because the barriers to entry in this industry are very low, which means you have a market flooded with lots of people who don't know what they are doing, and very few who do. ClickITSEO fit into the latter category, but then we would say that wouldn't we!

So where is the proof that we are different from the masses? Read on..

Hourly Fees

SEO in particular is a results driven business, so we don't believe in tying customers down to long term contracts. We charge a set rate of £50 per hour, and let our clients walk away at any point if they aren't happy. Needless to say we haven't had a client walk away yet.

If you are happy with our services, but want to feel more secure in our agreement then we can agree on set contractual periods.

Bespoke Strategies

Rather than selling packages we develop a bespoke strategy specific to all of our clients. What works for one client isn't necessarily relevant for another. We'll look at your current website, your competitors and market opportunities and come up with something that will fit your budget and move you forward. The focus always needs to be on ROI, not just rank!


We have expertise in running SEO & PPC campaigns in a wide range of markets and industries ranging from the electronic components industry to canvas printing and hairdressers. We have ran campaigns in more than 40 global locations in 10 different languages.

Here is just a couple of our recent successes:

Ultra Print Ltd - Organic traffic increased 117% within 2 months. Yan Hair - Organic traffic up 45%, Now shows on pages 1 and 2 when previously outside of the top 10 pages. This was accomplished without paying for any links, and just 4 hours strategic work.

Feel free to drop by our search engine marketing blog to read some of our posts.

Latest Blog Posts:

FTSE 500 Still Don't Get SEO

Do you really know the value of your online marketing?

Why Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

The internet is a huge part of everyday life now, roughly 24.7% of the population have access to the internet and the growth rate is phenomenal. The crazy thing about this penetration level is that Asia for example only has a penetration rate of 18.5% yet they are slowly approaching double the number of internet users than Europe, who also have double the internet users of North America.

Interesting Fact: There is more Chinese internet users than there is people in the US!

Now consider that around 80% of these internet users will utilise a search engine, and a further 80% of those users will click on an organic advert the potential customer base that you can reach is huge.

Now lets assume that your business is selling "blue widgets" and the data from the search engines states that the keyword "blue widgets" is searched upon 1000 times per month on Google. Would there ever be a reason why you wouldn't want to be visible to 1000 searches relevant to your business per month?

The fact is when a customer is shown your advert organically they have already become a qualified lead based on the search phrase they entered. Your business is relevant to their query, so providing your other on site factors meet expectations (price, delivery, trust, usability, loading speed) then your chance to convert that customer is extremely high.

Additional Information

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SEO Leeds

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