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Grand Heritage Hotels In India, Luxury Palace Resorts & Haveli, Online Hotel Reservations Booking In India - Indian Heritage Hotels


Through the ages numerous wars and battles have been fought to conquer both lands and people. The need to defend property against marauders gave rise to an architectural renaissance and numerous castles, forts and battlements were built. As time progressed, so too did the refinement in construction and the architecture became ornate and spectacular in dimension and aesthetics. During periods of peace beautiful "mahals" were built inside these forts for the pleasures of the ruling princes and their feudal Lords. With the passage of time and the historical changes in governance and political systems, these forts and palaces fell into decay. It became virtually impossible for their erstwhile owners to maintain either the edifices or their rich traditional past.

With the aim to try and revive the rich cultural and traditional pat, the Indian Heritage Hotels Association came into being in 1990. A few palaces, forts and havelis became the founder members and so started a legacy in preserving and reviving our rich Heritage. The concept of being able to enjoy the luxuries and majesty of an era gone by holds great allure to the world tourist. The entire experience of a festival, fair, folk dance and music or the adventure of a camel or horse safari or a jeep ride into the countryside be it a forest or desert, give immense pleasure, novelty and mystery to an international tourist. The Heritage Hotels have successfully given a new dimension to world tourism. Each property being different makes very destination unique and every experience a new one.

The concept of the Association is to preserve these properties from decay has been a singularly successful proposition. It has also marked India as a "Heritage destination of International Heritage Tourism". The Heritage Hotels scheme has created immense interest and it has great potential to snowball into something bigger. It has generated substantial economic activity and employment, particularly in lesser developed rural areas where many of these properties are located. Heritage Hotels are an important source of foreign exchange earnings in these otherwise back regions.

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Heritage Hotels Association
Jaipur RA
India 302001



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