Revision as of 09:31, 17 April 2009 by KristinaWeis (talk | contribs)


shizzow logo.gif

Shizzow is a location-based social web service that we built with the goal of helping you build quality relationships through face-to-face interaction. Shizzow provides the technology for you to notify your friends of your location, with as little effort as possible, so you can spend more time hanging out with your peeps and less time trying to coordinate bringing them together through phone, email, SMS and IM.

How do I use Shizzow?

It's fairly simple, really. Let's say you are sitting in Stumptown Coffee Roasters having a cup of delicious coffee. After you get logged into the site, enter Stumptown in the place name search box (make sure your city, state / country location is correct), and find the Stumptown with the right address from the list of results. Click "Shout + Message", enter a message to let people know what you are doing at Stumptown, and click "shout" to post it to Shizzow. Voilà!

Why did we create Shizzow?

Shizzow was developed as a solution to a real need to find better ways to connect with friends in the real world. In early 2006, members of Portland's PDXPHP users group began using a shared Google calendar to notify each other when and where they would gather for weekend code sprints. In September 2007, Mark, Sam and Ryan commenced coding to turn their Google calendar into a social network that would notify friends of each other's current locations. Right before the beta launch in July 2008, Dawn joined the team to help manage the increasingly important community.

Currently in Private Beta

Right now, the beta invites are limited to a couple hundred people living in Portland. We are still sending out invites, and you can find us at various local Portland meetups to get your invite.

The Shizzow Team

Dawn Foster: Dawn is responsible for managing the Shizzow community and evangelizing the benefits of using Shizzow. She spends her time organizing local Portland events and hanging out at a variety of different meetups.

Sam Keen: Sam writes quite a bit of the code for the site and is working on exposing the Shizzow API to make it easy for developers write applications using Shizzow's location services. He can often be found working in one of the many coffee shops in Portland.

Ryan Snyder: Ryan handles most of the business concerns and keeping the rest of us on track while also digging into the code whenever time permits. He spends his free time hiking and finding new places to enjoy great food and wine.

Mark Wallaert: Mark is focused on making sure that Shizzow has an architecture that can scale to match the growth curve that we expect from Shizzow. Frequently, he can be found practicing martial arts and in other philosophic pursuits.

hi,pls tell me more about banking and finance,why the study and funtions.thanks for your anticipantion of your coopration in this regards.

                                         Your's jerry.

Additional information

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