User talk:Akio Saito/

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Akio Saito's Comments on

  • Akio Saito (delighted) : The third recommendation is for AboutUs aggressively to promote the wiki engine in the multiple languages including of course in Japanese. It’s an excellent tool for Japanese technology companies to find their international collaboration partners, particularly for those small and medium sized technology companies, although AboutUs site will have built-in functionality of Japanese-English translation functionality, and will ensure links between tagged and/or categorized words and related companies domain pages. . In conjunction with my third point posted yesterday, I assume that it may be risky for AboutUs to use of the Japanese-English translation tool available on the internet because of potential argument or dispute on results of the language translation which AboutUs site may have no way to take responsible for. Accordingly, I would change my third point : Recommendable solution would be for AboutUSBot to search and show both English and Japanese words as far as a web site has English pages within the site even of which the top page and main texts are written in Japanese. I hope this would be a feasible recommendation. . Wed Feb 18 03:41:28 UTC 2009
  • Akio Saito (delighted) : The third recommendation is for AboutUs aggressively to promote the wiki engine in the multiple languages including of course in Japanese. It’s an excellent tool for Japanese technology companies to find their international collaboration partners, particularly for small and medium sized technology companies, although AboutUs site will need a built-in functionality of Japanese-English translation, and will have to ensure links between tagged and/or categorized words and related companies domain pages. Mon Feb 16 12:03:51 UTC 2009
  • Akio Saito (delighted) : The second recommendation is for AboutUs to ensure links between a tagged word and related companies AboutUsBot searched. I also recommend AboutUs to assure a link between a category word and related companies. BACKGROUND OF THIS RECOMMENDATION: recommendation: When I tried to find a couple of Japanese companies using “Find” window, those companies had been new to AboutUs so that AboutUsBot had redirected to the companies web sites to create “Title” and “Description” within the AboutUs site. Then I added a few tag words in English to the domain pages created for the companies, and tried to search the companies using the tag words, but the result did not list the companies for some reason. Mon Feb 16 12:01:00 UTC 2009
Thanks for all your recommendations! Could you give us an example of a company and a search you've tried that should find them, but doesn't? Thanks! -- TedErnst (talk) 08:11, 17 February 2009 (PST)
Thanks for your response. The groups of category words I tried were (a) 'humanoid robot', 'internet robot', 'japan', 'network robot', 'robot kit', and 'robotics' for and (b) 'Consulting', 'Japan', 'SMB', 'Technologies', and Topic for that is my company website which AboutUsBot didn't take any word from. -- Akio Saito 11:18, 18 February 2009 (JST)
  • Akio Saito (delighted) : AboutUs is a very good place where I can learn or share knowledge about companies spread around the world. I am going to post a few requests for improvement here. The requests will be made one by one. . The first one is for AboutUs to use Japanese-English translation tool to display “Title” and “Description” and others wherever applicable both in Japanese and English. I believe that it must be an easy work for AboutUs. . BACKGROUND OF THIS RECOMMENDATION: When it comes to Japanese companies, their top pages are almost always written in Japanese language. Accordingly, those Japanese companies AboutUsBot picks up are displayed in the spaces of “Title”, “Description”, etc. only in Japanese language even if their web-sites contain English descriptions somewhere within their web sites other than top pages. . Mon Feb 16 09:50:17 UTC 2009