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Affordable Conferencing

Affordable Conferencing is an Internet teleconferencing service, which provides you with a variety of options suited to meet your phone conferencing needs. Teleconferencing is a powerful tool for connecting your business nationally which avoids the expense and inconvenience of organizing face-to-face meetings. Using to provide your conferencing services avoids the hassle and expense of setting up specialized equipment and creating or purchasing a new conferencing system from scratch. What's more, most national conferencing services can be just as expensive (if not more) than setting up a conference on your own. They are often inflexible, requiring strict schedules for your conference to be set up in advance. With Affordable Conferencing, you receive the ease and reliability of national conferencing services, all for a reasonable price and on a flexible schedule. All you need is your own phone, and Affordable Conferencing's customer support can help you to set up your conference call.

Conferencing services

Flat Rate Conferencing

More info on flat rate conferencing

For one flat rate, Affordable Conferencing can provide you with however many lines you need. Ranging from 10 lines for just $35, to a thousand lines for just $1.50 per line, the flat rate option is surprisingly low in cost. Benefits include: access codes for hosts and participants, muting, a count of callers, hold music, and digital recording of your call on CD or cassette. Signup here for flat rate conferencing!

Econo Conference

More info on econo conferencing

For a smaller number of people, econo conference is likely your best option. For just 9 cents a minute per person, the econo conference is available for up to 30 participants. With no set up charges, no monthly commitment, and no reservation needed, this is an extremely flexible and affordable approach to teleconferencing. Econo conferencing with can be 50% less than other services. Signup here for econo conferencing!

Instant Now

More info on Instant Now conferencing

If you need a truly immediate conferencing, Instant Now is your choice. Using an online form at, you can have a conference for up to 20 people in just 5 minutes. (Note: currently the online form is inoperative, please contact Tom Parker at 1-888-968-6186 to set up your call, or use the econo conference option)

Sunday School conference

More info on Sunday School conferencing

Affordable Conferencing has developed the premiere teleconferencing approach tailored to bible study and ministry. For only 9 cents per minute per person, is great tool for setting up a ministry to those unable to physically attend church services or groups.

Additional conferencing resources

Affordable Conferencing is part of an Internet network of professionals who are experts in conferencing and business communication. On, you can find free information articles concerning conferencing, such as How to Act on a Professional Conference Call by Huzaili Aris, and The Benefits of Conference Calling For Attorneys and Law Firms by Affordable Conferencing's own Tom Parker.


What is a conference call?
Businesses use conference calls to meet with remote parties, both internally and outside of their company. Common applications are client meetings or sales presentations, project meetings and updates, regular team meetings, training classes and communication to employees who work in different locations.
Tom Parker
Phone: 1.888.968.6186 (toll free)
Fax: 1.479.439.7328


1112 Quail Creek Dr
Russellville AR 72801 US

Customer feedback

I had rented a couple of bridge lines awhile back. Everything is going well and we’ve been having great luck with them.

—Marie Fahey, Operations Coordinator, Compass Life and Business Designs, Inc.

Working with your company has been a great pleasure without any issues. I would recommend your company to anyone that inquires.

—Tom Rhoades, National Sales Manager, The DataMAX Software Group

I am President of an investment club with members spread across the country. We try to hold periodic meeting to discuss club business; however, we had great difficulty with this using services such as online conferencing and chat rooms as these services were often unreliable, unpredictable, and security was always a question. In addition, standard teleconferencing was not an option due to the excessive expensive. I gave [AffordableConferencing] a try and sure enough found it was a true teleconferencing service that was simple and inexpensive to use. We held our meeting using this service with 8 members in 5 different states. We were provided a toll-free number, so there were no additional cost to the members. We met for about an hour and the bill was only about $35.00. This was great and well within our budget. We will definitely be using this service again.

M Middleton, Maryland

As treasurer of the Association of Presbyterian Interim Ministry Specialists I am always looking for the most cost efficient way of doing business. We are a small, national organization and the Board cannot afford but one face-to-face meeting a year, thus we depend heavily on conference calls. I tried one of the 'national' providers and found the cost very expensive and the flexibility as to time and number of people on the call limited. I was thrilled to find your company, even more so after our first call - very easy to set up, clearly heard by everyone. Thanks. Count on us using this many more times.

Dr. Donald R. Ewing Rev.

I've been using the tele-conference feature for about six months and I couldn't be happier with the service. We use a 50 line bridge for our monthly tele-seminars and our customers love the feature. If they can't make the tele-seminar live, they can listen to the recorded seminar when its convenient for them! Throughout the entire time, Tom Parker has been great - excellent customer service and a great product. I would highly recommend the tele-conference feature to anybody in the market.

David A. Casavant, president Carlyle Consulting Group

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