Revision as of 02:14, 13 January 2009 by sumwoman (talk | contribs) (Related Domains)

Get involved in the quest for democracy!

We organize events, street actions, and socials. We lend out books, give away DVDs and sell t-shirts. We offer our help to anyone with a project in support of 9/11 Truth.

We have a general meeting once a month, open to the public. We discuss issues surrounding 9/11. We organize and sponsor lectures, conferences, and various other activities to bring attention to the unresolved crimes perpetuated on September 9, 2001.

Click here to find out about our next public meeting


Our 80+ members are women and men ranging from ages 18 to 80ish. We are from many walks of life and diverse educational and socio-economic backgrounds. We also have roots in a variety of cultures, faiths and experiences. Many of us are active participants in the anti-war movement or other socially progressive movements. We are brought together because we share the view, along with a growing number of people throughout the world, that the 'official story' given by US, Canadian and other governments, the mainstream media and the '9/11 Commission Report' is simply implausible.

Please visit our On-board section and add your voice

The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society hosted events

We have held many events that have attracted 1000's of paying attendees. We have worked to get local and national print, radio and television media to cover our events reaching 100,000's of people. We have brought many distinguished 9/11 activists to Vancouver including: Dr. David Ray Griffin, Barry Zwicker, Prof. Steven E. Jones, William Rodriguez, Richard Gage, Webster Tarpley, Kevin Barrett, Prof. Peter Dale Scott, Robin Hordon, William Thomas, Hal Sisson and many others.

Click Here to find out about LATEST EVENTS

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