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Hello, my name is waleed barakat... i work as a web developer since 2004. before doing such work i was work as everything you can imagine, hotels, cofee's, computer maintenance, etc...
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21 el shereef, st. hadayek helwan
cairo, helwan 11433 egypt


waleed barakat

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Developer Online Adobe Dreamweaver Developer Toolbox (ADDT) Tutorials, Free Dreamweaver 8 tutorials, Free Dreamweaver cs3 tutorials, Php mysql tutorials, ADDT Tutorials, dreamweaver cs4

[Image:waeed3_edited_1.JPG] Hello, my name is waleed barakat... i work as a Php Web Developer since 2004. before doing such kind of work i was working as everything as you can imagine, hotels, cofee's, computer maintenance, buildings etc...

But there was only one thing in my mind telling me to leave such unstable, un desired work, yes i am not the man for that kind of such work, i born for something else, any way i started to think about profession a new career, actually i was dreaming to be a computer engineer, but unfortunately i couldn`t achieve that because of many obstacles "money, time, and hard life", any way i thought if i could work anythign can make me still alive in the meantime learn what i want [computer sience], what an idea!!! it was very good experience if you work to achieve your target.

I live in Egypt, you might think at the first glance that we still live in caves and pyramids untill now, wearing pharonic clothes, worship sun, but i`ll tell you this is not true, completly distorted information, we still in the rear(3rd world) but not so far.

Any way, i took my first "Web Design" course [out of this caves] :-) » yes i liked it in the begging but not so far, i found myself missing the "Desginer" sense, the invention, to create something catch your eyes, it`s as i thought a gift. so while i study "web design" course the instructor encourage me to try the "Development" section after finishing the design course to have the two priviliage "Designer" + "Developer", any way i liked it to much "actually" very much.

But as i said there is more obstacles stands against the completion of my career, but this not frustrated me.

I said to myself try to learn by yourself, it will be too hard but there is no other options i have, then i started to collect everythign, everything at all to learn the "ASP CLASSIC" development language. it attracted me as ever, wow!!! to create a dynamic website... it was my dream.

Then i found it "very boor" languge "to me" specially when it dependens on using "MS ACCESSS" Databases, so i found large web sites never stands and hold huge data if created site is multi web application, also it need windows serever and hard connection to the database, any way i left it and moved to try the "ASP.NET", i found it more powerful, stable databases, huge tools and everything you can imagine, also i got more tools to learn it, but for my bad luck such language is not free and you cannot learn by yourself, it needs at least a begginer course to know the basics, any way i moved to the "PHP WORLD", where everything are free, powerful, easy to understand, serve and support huge applications, and what a Dynamic world, everything you think of you can do, powerful databases, powerful tools specially when Adobe put it's hand into it.

Actually i never tried any forums to learn except "InterAKT" forums and "Adobe" Forum, from there i got everything to make me said... i am a web developer ... actually i never found easy tools can made that development easy...

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