Revision as of 21:35, 4 August 2008 by KristinaWeis (talk | contribs) ( moved to Fix CamelCaseCapitalization)

Binary Revolution - The Revolution will be Digitized!

Wow! That is pretty much the only word that I can think of to say right now. We have so much going on lately that it is simply overwhelming. I hav finally gotten some free time to do some long overdue work on the site. Most of the changes will be invisible to the users, but I hope everyone realizes the lengths that we are going to in order to keep this site up and running so smoothly.

First, we updated the forums and added a lot of very helpful functionality. In addition, we also incorporated a new gallery software package that integrates directly to the forums. Past attempts at gallery software have been mediocre at best due to the lack of organization and security in the software. It was too cumbersome too use and required multiple accounts, which was a hassle. It will take us a couple of weeks to get this new gallery configured, but it integrates directly with the forums so that no extra accounts are needed.

The next thing that we did was to start up a "blawg" so that we can make announcements more timely and more easily. Any announcement for any of the DDP projects will be made there first. This includes information about the Binary Revolution. I will keep this page updated, but it will also be on the blawg first.

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