12Angel.com/Anita Ahuja

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Anita Ahuja

Anita Ahuja, a resident of Northern California, is an Angelic Advisor working with 12Angel.com. Being a first-generation American of East Indian descent, she is familiar with cultural conflicts and healing family divisions, and has expertise in working with victims of trauma, crime and terrorism.

In addition to specializing in spiritual coaching and career issues advice, Anita has also been certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD as a psychic, an Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Medium. For information on classes and workshops held by Anita, please see her website: AngelsAroundTheEarth.com.

12Angel.com advisor questionnaire

Do you have a personal statement that best describes you?

My goal in life is to show humanity that life is a treasure, not a curse. Society trains us to be fear-based people. Our divine wisdom seeks to teach us to be love-based. Fear is man-made and it is the root of the problems on this planet. (FEAR=False Events Appearing Real). It is the fear of rejection, the fear of being powerless, or the fear of not having what we want. My Angelic guides have taught me that only love is real. They have transformed my life.
We have not been placed on the planet to suffer or to earn happiness, but to create heaven on earth. Our divine birthright is happiness so let's learn to embrace that. We are not victims, we have the potential of being champions of the light which resides within each one of us. Let's recognize it in every soul we encounter and especially within ourselves.

Do you have a motto or favorite quote that guides you?

I very much appreciate the wisdom of Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi: "You must be the change you want to see in the world." & "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Mahatma Gandhi

When and how did you first discover you had the gift to help people?

I think this gift became most prominent during my work with the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks. As a manager with the California state government agency who assists victims of crime, I was asked to manage government funded support groups for the victims and survivors.
California had many victims as all four hijacked planes were headed to California, three to Los Angeles and one to San Francisco. I was grateful to be able to walk with these folks on their unprecedented journey and guide them. It was a role I had never imagined playing, but it felt like destiny. I knew I had a mission to help through my presence and support. Throughout the course of the support group meetings (three years), I witnessed healing and the resiliency of the human spirit. I also saw deep pain and grief which resulted in suicide.
Since these meetings were government-funded, I never expressed or advocated my spiritual beliefs. Interestingly enough, in the last year of the meetings, one of the victims pulled me aside. She shared she had gone to see a medium in Southern California and he had made contact with her deceased sister who had died on one of the planes. The contact was clear and included very specific messages that only her sister could have known. I saw more healing come from that one session than I did in the entire time the victim had been in the support group.

Share with us a little bit about your personal history.

I am from an East Indian family. My parents came to the US from India. I was born in Miami, Florida and have spent most of my life in Northern California.
My career has been in government. I have worked for State Senators, a United States Senator, and the Governor.
I enjoy performing with a community theater company and serve on their board of directors. I currently reside in Northern California.

How did you get started in this business?

I attended an Angel Therapy Practitioner Course, taught by Doreen Virtue, PhD. She is a spiritual teacher who models integrity and that's what I was looking for - someone who walked the talk. After I was certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner, I started doing readings on a professional basis and loved it! I am also a certified Medium, trained by Doreen Virtue.

Do you have any advanced degrees or specialized training?

M.A. in Counseling Psychology Angel Therapy Practitioner Certificate Medium Certificate Community Chaplain Certificate. I am also trained in paranormal activities and spirit releasement.

Do you offer special services or insights that customers might find helpful?

Cultural conflicts - growing up as a first-generation American has made me highly sensitive to cultural conflicts within families and parental expectations. I help others with transitioning to a dual culture family and finding a harmonic balance. I provide training and keynote speeches on this topic.
Fairies and the Elemental Kingdom - the Fairies love to make us play and laugh. They are also incredible healers and manifestors. I provide readings and classes in this area.
The Saints, Ascended Masters and Goddesses: Our Companions on the Mystical Path - I provide readings and classes in this area.
Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene - working with the beautiful energies of the two Marys is a transformative experience. I provide readings and classes in this area.
Hauntings, Possession and Spirit Releasement - I work with entities that have attached themselves to this plane and/or people, to help them find peace and guide them to the Light. I provide consultations and classes in this area.
Tours to Sacred Places - I lead spiritual tours to sacred sites in a variety of locations. The next tour will be to Ireland in May of 2009.

Do you do any charity or non-profit work?

I donate proceeds from occasional workshops to charities such as the SPCA.

Why do you love what you do?

This work is about helping people realize they are not alone. That we are all creations of God. That there is divine wisdom in a variety of forms to accompany us on our journey. It is about facilitating healing and self-discovery and killing desperation and regenerating hope in people's souls.
Spiritual healing is the greatest gift I have received from others and my wish is to pass this gift on to others.

What times are you usually available?

Evenings and weekends.

Do you have any other projects, books or multimedia that you'd like to inform us of?

I am currently working on my autobiography titled Indian Girls Aren't Supposed to Do That!
Plans are also in the works to release a CD within the next year.

Contact Information

Anita 12house.jpg

Tel: 1-888-626-7386 (Advisor Id: 43076)


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