Constructive Edits

Revision as of 22:43, 24 April 2008 by Kasey (talk | contribs) (minor edits)

All constructive edits are welcome. We depend on visitors to share their knowledge. The concept of making constructive edits goes along with the fact that we Assume Good Faith. We believe that everyone who makes an edit or creates a page is doing so to provide informative, educational and accurate information.

Any edit should always be able to answer "Yes" to the question: "Does this edit make it better for the next reader?"

Some examples of constructive edits include:

  • Creating a better representation of the website on its AboutUs domain page:
    • Mentioning something interesting about the site that others might not know.
    • Fixing an out of date address, email or phone number is very helpful!
    • Letting the community know what your edit is and why you made it via your edit summary.
    • Letting the community know if a page is no longer a website, adult content, a spam site, etc.
    • Adding a Review. If you have experience with the website or company, use the Influence Us feature to give them constructive feedback to improve.
  • Defining a term so it can be referenced by many pages.

Of course:

  • Don't write anything untrue. If you state a fact that might be controversial, reference it to clear up any confusion.
  • Don't write anything threatening, expletive, or defamatory.
  • Edit wars are not helpful.

Also, see our editing policies or the Help section.

Constructive edits can also enter into the realm of clarifying or reorganizing, leading to self organization. This is also very important work to do because there is so much information to read that less is most often more. Reading various comments and summarizing them into a more concise presentation of the information takes time, but readers appreciate it. Wiki technology does this very well, anyone reading an article is welcome to reorganize, add to, subtract from or otherwise improve the text. The more people read it, the better it gets - like polishing a pearl.

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