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g i a n t d o o b i e

Description was originally founded as a joke about pot smokers. With a whole domain name paid for (whopping $8) and a working webserver already available for use, it became apparent that the site could turn into something more than just a joke about hippies. Artist JE Kruise inked out a very elegant and simple graphic and it was posted to the site as a lone image on an otherwise empty web page. The piece is quite good, and it incited this site's author to create a way for other artists to post their doobie-related work. Photography is an amazing medium, and skill is required to take good photos (lack of skill can oftentimes be made up for with a really expensive camera, but not always). As such, this site allows anyone in the world to submit a photo or drawing of or related to ganja or consumption thereof and get it posted to the gallery.

We are very interested in hearing your suggestions for this web site. If you want to suggest a new feature or a change, want to know more or have a complaint or something please email gd at giantdoobie dot com.

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