
Revision as of 14:26, 5 May 2011 by Charles Pless (talk | contribs)




Vision Statement

CertGuard is committed and devoted to:

1. Increasing the value of IT Certifications by:

a. Eliminating or significantly reducing the use of braindumps, as defined on our Braindumps Page.
b. Strategic isolation and removal of businesses and individuals from the marketplace which profit from taking exams under false pretenses - also known throughout the industry as "gunmen" or "proxy-test takers" and defined on our Gunmen Page.
c. Keeping Certification Vendors (Certifying Agencies) Informed...
d. Educating Exam Candidates, Professionals, Instructors, Professors, and Trainers in the IT Industry...
e. Educating Businesses and Hiring Agencies...
f. Assisting, promoting, and advertising legitimate businesses/websites...
g. Knowing the braindump industry...

2. Keeping Certification Vendors (Certifying Agencies) Informed by:

a. Providing them with information regarding cheaters and cheating on their certification exams.
b. Providing them with information about braindump companies/websites selling their certification exams illegally.
c. Providing them with information about "hired gunmen" who take exams for other candidates.

3. Educating Exam Candidates, Professionals, Instructors, Professors, and Trainers in the IT Industry about:

a. The background and history of braindumps.
b. The dangers of using braindumps.
c. Inadvertent Cheating
d. Affordable and approved alternatives to braindumps, as defined on our Reviews Page
e. Tools developed to help the IT Industry reduce the visibility of, and avoid, braindumps, including:
i. CertGuard's Braindump Identification System
ii. CertGuard's Trusted Seal of Approval
iii. CertGuard's Adsense Exclusion List
iv. CertGuard's Advanced CertSearch
v. CertGuard's Book Store

4. Educating Businesses and Hiring Agencies about:

a. Helping their current employees avoid braindumps.
b. Avoiding the hiring of prospective employees without proper training.
c. Educating them on why braindumps can ultimately reduce productivity, decrease profits, and hurt their clients and associates.

5. Assisting, promoting, and advertising legitimate businesses/websites that:

a. Promote good study habits,
b. Promote the use of approved study materials,
c. Educate exam candidates about the dangers of braindumps,
d. Provide exam candidates with approved study materials.

6. Reducing the income/revenue acquired by websites that provide, promote, or distribute illicit product or services by:

a. Swiftly reducing or cutting off advertising revenue from such agents as Google Adsense, Yahoo! Advertising, and others.
b. Notifying advertising agents of the violations of their Terms of Service by such websites.
c. Preventing exam candidates from being duped into buying into the illicit products and services provided by such websites.

7. Knowing the braindump industry, including:

a. Associated Names, Physical Addresses, IP Addresses, Internet Service Providers, Registrars
b. Websites Owned, website rankings, website traffic, website affiliations
Please view our complete Mission/Vision Statement here:

CertGuard was conceived with the notion of protecting the value of IT certifications. Over the last decade or so, we have watched the value of IT certifications drop because of the extensive use of braindumps

Companies that steal exam questions are injecting the IT Community with inexperienced and underqualified users. These users then waste valuable resources on company time, often causing more damage than good.

If you're already certified in the IT Industry, or you're looking for certification information, then please take a moment to register with CertGuard and help prevent the use and spread of braindumps.

Make sure you check the validity of any site you use! Check that they have received the CertGuard Seal of Approval




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