Sponsor a Portal

Revision as of 04:18, 14 January 2008 by Brandon CS Sanders (talk | contribs) (DoneDone)

OurWork Sponsor a Portal

What (summary)

We offer to help people connect their industry and reap the corresponding promotional benefits and provide a mechanism for those who are interested to easily contact us. Sponsor a Portal is the third of the Three Core Offers.

Why this is important

Sponsor a Portal creates sustainable Revenue and builds great content that drives site traffic.


  • There is a button in the grass part of the skin (doesn't have to look nice), that says "Sponsor a Portal"
  • The dialog has two steps culminating in the submission of a request for more information
  • Vinh, Ray and others agree that it is smooth

Sponsor a Portal Flow.png

Finally, returns them to the page they started from

Text of the Sponsor a Portal Pitch

AboutUs is creating a dynamic directory of your industry. Companies can now sponsor topical Portals that combine editable business listings and other functionality like calendaring and maps. There are Portals being built for a wide variety of topics and industry verticals. See the PortlandTech and the 2008 Election portals as regional and topical examples.

AboutUs Portals help improve SEO and serve as a platform that your industry and community can use to work on projects. Five million people visit AboutUs each month and we expect this number to continue to grow with the roll-out of location and industry-specific Portals.


Your sponsorship of an AboutUs Portal helps provide:

  • High-quality content that searchers will bookmark and link to. This content scores high in credibility and will attract the customers you want.
  • Prominent links on hundreds of high quality, topically relevant pages driving traffic to your site and improving your keyword search results.
  • Alerts to inform you of changes made by others to any pages within the portal.
  • People working on their pages within the portal recognize your contribution to the industry or community and are more likely to use your services.

Tell me more! (talk) 22:16, 6 January 2008 (PST)

Text of Notice Box: Confirmation

Your information has been forwarded to our portal team

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a portal, someone will be contacting you within a few business days. If you need faster service, please feel free to call our support number at 1-800-AboutUs!

The AboutUs Team

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