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PLANETPALS EARTHZONE educational and inspiring, fun facts and activities for all ages about earth. Make Every Day Earth Day.


Planetpals Earth friendly characters can be found at Planetpals Earthzone the first environmental education website geared towards families and schools. It's easy to read content and unique activities can not be equaled. Tens of thousands of schools and groups rely on Planetpals content and the playful characters to catch the imaginations of their students. Learn to be a friend to earth while having fun!

Planetpals characters number one for green marketing to children worldwide.

Planetpals: created by Judith Gorgone

Earthday,earth day,recycle, recycling,ecology,green, global warming, weather, healthy living, nutrition, licensing,licensed characters,children,kids,earthday for kids,teachers,family,environmental education,peace,k-12,k-6,activities,crafts,lesson plans,games, toys, products.

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