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CFW | W e l c o m e !


The Chiropractic Federation of Washington (CFW) is a guild branch of the Office and Professional International Union (OPEIU), the first and largest labor union in the United States and Canada dedicated to representing the professional interests of well over 100,000 members. The OPEIU has over the past several years engaged in an innovative effort to organize health professionals, most of which are considered independent subcontractors. This effort is largely in response to the erosion of health care benefits and payment for health services which the health carriers have initiated over the past several years. The term "Guild" is applied to differentiate these groups from other members who are in a classic collective bargaining model. The list of professionals includes but is not limited to, MD's, Podiatrists, Clinical Social Work Professionals, Chiropractors, Hypnotherapists, Acupuncturists, Midwives, Nurses, Optometrists and Pharmacists.

It is the broad and aggressive vision of OPEIU President, Michael Goodwin to organize these professionals under the NATIONAL GUILD OF MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. The intent is to create a powerful group of diverse professionals, through whose collective efforts; we challenge the detrimental changes being introduced by the health care industry through "managed care". The organization of these professionals provides opportunity to expand the Labor Movements fight for quality, affordable health care for all working people and their families. The term "managed care" is similar to the familiar term, "downsizing". Both terms are really intended to manage costs for the for-profit health carriers and are anathema to quality health care.

Our affiliation agreements are with the various State and National Professional Organizations and commit to help members with, marketing of the professional services to the labor movement (Be Union, Buy Union), which includes the Union Taft-Hartley Health Funds, supporting legislation efforts of the groups through educating the "grassroots" Union members in the AFL-CIO network and supporting organizational development.




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