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Welcome To Netflix - Rent DVDs Online

Netflix.gif is an online DVD rental site, and is one of the most popular in the industry.

The site mainly operates as a database of available movies, offering recommendations, reviews, and user comments on all of the movies available. The selection is extremely extensive, offering everything from TV seasons to foreign movies. This unprecedented selection has been one of their major selling points.

The Rental Process

Netflix customers operate a “queue” which they keep populated with movies that they would like to see. The nearest Netflix shipping facility packs up the top DVD on the list, and sends it directly to the mailbox of the customer. The first class shipping takes only a day or two, and the DVDs have a very low chance of sustaining damage.

When the top layer of the envelope is peeled back, the customer finds another envelope with pre-paid postage. When he is done watching the movie, he only has to stick the DVD into the second envelope and send it back. This makes it easy to not only get the movie, but also to return it for other movies.

Subscription Options

Several different subscription plans are available from Netflix, mainly varying in the number of DVDs that the customer can have out at a given time. The cheapest plan allows 1 DVD at a time for $9.99 per month. On the other side of the spectrum, you can pay $47.99 per month to be able to rent out 8 DVDs at a time.

The plan that seems to work the best for most people is the $17.99 per month plan, which allows 3 DVDs. If rentals are spaced out properly, this could allow for a new movie in the mail every day that mail delivers.

Rating Movies and Receiving Recommendations

Equally as innovative as the "movie by mail" and "queue" concepts is the Netflix rating system. Using a very quick javascript interface, rating movies you've seen is as easy as clicking on a star (choose 1 for "hated it" or 5 for "loved it"), with no webpage-refresh needed. The site then compares your ratings to those of other people and recommends movies to you based on what you like and what others similar to you like.


Netflix’ huge success has inspired many other companies to start up similar ventures. One of the most notable is the online efforts of Blockbuster. Many industry analysts believed that Netflix would be the end of brick-and-mortar DVD rental stores, but Blockbuster's unique plan may prove otherwise. It allows for customers to return and rent DVDs from the internet, or from a physical store (which allows for huge flexibility).


Netflix has been accused of deliberately giving higher priority to customers who rent less movies per month, since they can give the available DVDs to customers who will return them slower (and cost less in shipping for Netflix). However, this hasn’t stopped millions of people from subscribing to the service, since usually this priority change is hardly noticeable for customers.




750 University Ave
Los Gatos CA 95032 US


Netflix, Inc.
+1 408 399 3700, Fax: +1 408 399 3737

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Featured by on:
14 Feb. 2007
"Created a new paradigm ... effectively allowing renting videos to be as easy as hopping online and then going to the mailbox."