Revision as of 06:56, 18 November 2006 by TakKendrick (talk | contribs)

FileFront is a web site that has been created in order to make the life of video game lovers even more fun and entertaining. This web site offers a lot of video game reviews and a lot of information on each version of millions of games. There are also a lot of reviews concerning the software and the hardware necessary for the best performance of each video game. is a web site where you can say everything you want about your gaming experience and where you can interact with other people that share your passion on video games. Also, there are some sections where you can say what you expect from future versions of your favorite game or what you would like to see improved.

Privacy Policy

Filefront.gif can be accessed by anyone all over the world no restrictions being imposed. If you want to become a member and enjoy all the features of this site you have to fill in some online forms. In order to be a member you have to provide the web site with all the information needed, usually personal information, such as your full name and e-mail address. It is important that you keep this information up to date because this is the only way you can be contacted in case of purchase or any kind of presentation. Your personal information will not be used in other purposed than those mentioned at the privacy policy section. Of course, you will notice that there are a lot of game ads on this site, which means that is a sponsor-dependant site and that is why some of your information will be passed to certain companies. Usually this is not a bad thing because companies need this information in order to award prizes and other such things. However, if you feel that this is not in your best interest you can choose to not have your personal information shared by clicking a certain box.

The Best Features

The best thing about filefront is that besides providing you with all the technological information you may need in order to run your games perfectly, you also get a lot of information about all kinds of games that are winning prizes and are very appreciated in the field. A lot of times offers you the possibility to download demo versions of some new games so that you become familiar with it. Another great thing is that you get to communicate with other members of the web site. You can discover new strategies, you can discover new amazing games or you can just find great people to talk about your favorite hobby. is the place that enlarges anyone’s horizon as far as gaming is concerned. There is always something new in this field that needs to be discussed, reviewed, tried and why not loved.

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P.O. Box 11726, Unlisted
Spring TX 77391 US


FileFront, L.P.



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17 Nov. 2006
"Latest in video game news and reviews, along with the usual video game related minutiae of video previews, strategy guides and the like."

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