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Dear people: Welcome People's Creative; constructive; Question; comment; suggestion; ideas-creativity or information and-or for connection; integration; mitigation; progress and success with peace; prosperity health and wealth and knowledge……
New and improving ways of thinking; Asking; connecting; being constructive; protective; safeguarding; securing; expanding with stability and ability for success and progress...... Domain name and web sites with easy to reamember name or number to Market Products or Services. Open to Lition; Share; Debate; Improve and Modify any Creative Ideas and Writing for Business; Marketing; Consulting; Printing; Publishing; Production; Trade; Volunteering; Public Service; or Job Opportunity.
siple easy nice neat clean business name web site and service advertising and marketing ++++
Domain names Blogs and web sites with easy to reamember name or number to Market Products or Services. Open to Lition; Share; Debate; Improve and Modify any Creative Ideas and Writing for Business; Marketing; Consulting; Printing; Publishing; Production; Trade; Volunteering; Public Service; or Job Opportunity.
Year auguest 2007 to 2010 going forwar issues and debate that will be resolve. and new issues will be bring in to picture and modified and future activity-creativity- and individual; community; city; state; USA; World Sucess with calm and resolve peace and prosperity and progress for every one.
Writing about different issues observing it and it's futuer out come and have word to say about it or suggetion that may be useful.
Year 2007-2010... and going forward how different issues will be resolved and debetaed and how people will get femmiliar with issue and contribute their time; money their idias to resolve in a diplomatic and creative way then just let it be there to have get control over the agenda and futuer discution.
Globalization is alredy on way and people are starting compiting on world wide basis. You may live in any contry but it's not hard for people to know what happening in other part of the world. Small day to day life may not effect that much due to globalization but there are some advantage and challengess of globilization.
Economic effect of globalisation is more commpitition and wide base of marketing for product or service. Publising globalisation challenges may seems good idia.
How other county and economy will compite for resorce tryto manage and tryto get upper hand. stoping market expantion will not run sooth global economical expantion. evetualy there will be other market and resorcice will be invented.
Understanging globalization in turm of having come up with enofe sorcess to satisfied incrising need and demand for product and service.
Once any product or service is invented and sucessfuly establise profitable business there are few way to improve that perticular product or service and expand the market for groth oppotrunity. Improving profit margine by improving product or service and expanding market sare is better way to improving profit compare to cutting cost.
Education is individual priority then goverment having to provide education for every one Community-city-goverment will co-operate-communicate and dedicate resorciss for education but sucess on individual is more depend on own desire; Resorce avilabe and utilise;
Opportunity created to devlop and nurture that creativity; telent; time spend for getting better every day; to have a better education and futuer.
Social security may or may not be fix now but people will start saving for their own retirepment realising that it's not good idia to depend on social security or pention or goverment program those do get change with time and one can be left with not much help if changes come at time when there is not much time left to correct and improve for individual need.
Having more flexibility in ira or roth ira and indivitual contributin and be added or substitute for private retiment plan. Flexibily in contribution can be added in roth ira for 5 year past or advance contribution. Routh IRA is one form of private retirement account today and it can communicate more individual to involve and have benefit individual contribution for future growth.
Medicare and medicade may have been created for better health for seniars but it's cost is have a real financial sqeez on goverment spending going forward. One solution will be getting controll over rising medical and prisciption cost. I do have a feeling some of medical expense are influated just because of people not knowing about it and no one to looking after the expence.
Undestanding migration or immigration and it's mutual contribution and it's effect on safety; security; economy; future; and it's long turm solution for having this influx of resorcies to manage. Ever since america has been discove and created it's immigration or say migration that has discove and criated and perfacted this grate amirica today and we all proude of that. Now the same migration and immigration have been quastion about it's impact on present time and futuer safety; security; economy; stable and storng freedom loving progress.
Quastion is not it's good or bad it's quastion of masering and managing it to get best out of situation. One can spend all time and resorces to masure; manage; control or stop migration and it's impact-influance on safety; security; economy; community; cities; states in the futuer or one can welcome it manage it and get best out of it.
Possible sujjetion; recomandation; solution can be we need to know one does not need to be feared or thretend. No one can performe it's best when individuals; Family; corporation or community are put in stress situation. Do we know now how much migration individual community; state; america; other country can handel and manage sucessfuly to have get best out of resoures and ulilize and manage for futuer forward progress; prosperity and stable groth.
How this migration can be spered equaly to spred it's benefit globaly and have benefit of it's prosperity spread around the world so people feel free and motivated to work and prosperus at their own home rather then looking for those freedome and properity some where else.
How about migration and prosperity Law; rules and regulation; policy from fedal govement but maneging it from Local govement; Sate goverment with understanding that it's efficency and management by local goverment and state goverment also contribution to community when it's manage and utilising right.
Migration is difficult task to stop it need to manage with changing time with it's effect on safety; security; economy; community; city and states; and futher growth on long turm basiss. It can be monitore on ongoing basis and have a report it's impact on day to day life and it's real impact on economy and keep fine tuning as time progress.
How about migration can be mad two way by intigrating and redistributing for mutual safety; security; economic mesurement and management and prosperity. exaple america has to offer job opportunity for young genration at same time devloping nation have a opporunity to offer for expantion and devlopment for enrupenuar oriented visonery to migrate or have a community devlopment project for exploring economic expantion and prosprity. /---10/25/2005/
Keeping focus for personal growth; family and children education and recreation. Life is not one day or one week success or falier it's has to looked as a balance life and be lived and enjoyed by staying in own boundary of satisfactory and requirement of things. Do not ask or wish for thing that you can not handle.
It's every day routine work keep doing it; it take time to see result but do not divert from priority in life. family comes 1st; Need time to get work done. Do not need to involve or try to do every thing. It's not possible to do every thing you want to do in life. You may dream about it. But few basic principle of life is must and it need to be done on every day. Keep your life simple and sweet; Be happy; Do your daily routine work.
I do have a basic of life right. Do not worry too much do not pay attention about or worry about what others think or say about you. Live your own life and be happy about your self and do care for others. Do respect people and their beliefs. Do not be rood to people or get angry. Get control on angers and emotion is part of life when you get control on your angered and your emotion you will get control your self. Be in control of your own life and day's activity but very important not to try to control others you can not do not try.
Do not need to achieve too much as materialistic; be happy with what you have; appreciate what you have; care for it; take time to enjoy it; focus on making better on what you got rather that trying to get some more and new thing it's never ending thing. Be positive and optimistic about life. Your effort for making thing better for others do not go in wane. Keep working for achieving better life for your self; your family and every one around you. People are nice to you and be nice to every one around you. People do help each other.
Where i am today it's not just happen. I did study hard and did work that was intend for me to be get done along the way small up's and down felt but in the end where i am today i am happy and proud my self my parent and my family and friends and every one. Thank you god for every thing you have done for me and my family and i have a faith in you. You will give me strength and faith in the future to guide me and my family in the right direction. From here where will you be in future you will decide depending on what i will do every day. Do not west time thinking about get involve in work. Work get done slowly but surely. If you have a basic right end result will be right; On the way to getting result up's and down will come but it's part of life. Road to any destiny is not always straight or known. You have to question your own self too but do not dout about your basic belief. Lotion to every one make a ditition looking at all the fact. Do not carried away with misguided fact or wrong belief.
Keep realty of life in front of you there is many opportunity and way to success out there but what good for you and your family and community you only can decide what is best for you. If some thing working for you keep it going.
Help is available for achieving your goal in life it's question of asking right person.
For individual growth and achievement education is must. And how well they use their education in practical way and in real life situation. Most people want to have an education to have a good job. once they get some get satisfied with their job and stay that along as they feel good about them self and they like what they are doing. Some wants to achieve more in their life will try to get by having more experience or have better education. till they satisfied with what they achieve.
Some will want to peruse to have their own business in fact every one want to have their own business but not every one achieve their goal in their life time. Some business get so success that they might have a hard time satisfying with demand. Good for them; wish them well and more success in the future. Some will stay with current time and make enaf for them self and will enjoy what they doing. Some will not be so success full will look for another one. This is a end less process it continue with time and as more and more people progress in their achievement their demand for more and better thing will grow with time.
There is lot of sale opportunity out their for individual to try and be successful at it. Most business want to have their sale staff increase on regular basis.
How the time and days and month and years pass by no regrets none what so ever happy with where i am today and i have a faith and confidence in god and me; my family; friends and every one that future will be fine for me; my family; friends and every one around these word and in this community.
Life story as it progress with time. Basic principle of life does not change much. Circumstances and surrounding change with time. you have to adjust with changes and be comfortable with it. Do not fight or argue about changes accept happily and get use to changes.
6-17-04 This writing and any of my other writing are just for my own way of living life and understanding from it. It has nothing to do with what's going on around this word. I believe and have a confidence in people; people will understand i am happy; healthy; honest peace loving family person. Please do not make any ditition or jujment base on this writing about me or my way of living life or any one else.
Please be co-oprerative and confidential of this writing this is writing that i have learn to write to make my life and every one to more happy; healthy and pleasant. Please do not miss use or misguided by this writing.
Future will be bright for me; my family; friends and every one in America and this world.
God Bless America and every one else in theses world. People need to understand what America doing for others is to do some good for every one in this world. And people have to respect America's policies; America's rules and regulation and appreciate with respect for America and American people. This grate nation has been though what other countries are going though today and will progress them self with time.
My personal opinion about America was different when i was not here what i see today here in America and what people see America from out side world is different. What i have seen is America is land of free and provide opportunity to every one to grow and create opportunity for them self and make their dream reality. America and people of America can communicate about this wonder full country and beautiful peace loving people and nation in more positive way. It can be done. If People will communicate more aboute their positive and happy and healthy experience more often it will generate more positive effect.
One example will be India when it became free there was a violence; has many after that and still have some conflict now and then but they are progressing; people have a better life today then what they had before.
Others county have to be pation with there work and their goal. Other country should not use any violence approach to achieve their goal and achieve their desire.
Other country have different priority about them self. They have different goal to achieve for their people.
America will be powerful and strong nation for generation and will be the strongest and best of the best.
I can say from my own life that America and American people have gave me the best gift of all freedom and opportunity to do the work without fear of any one minding your business and prosper and live happy and healthy family life. and much more then i ask or dream for it i will be always appreciative of what this country and people have gave me to achieve where i am to day and i have grate respect for America and people of America. I have faith and confidence that they will be supportive of my work and my way of thinking and living life healthy; happily; peacefully; safely; co-operative and enjoying it. It has been land of opportunity and it will be that way for years to come.
Wish every one happy; healthy and prosperous life journey for years to come.
Love every one and be loved by every one.
Be happy and make every one around you happy.
Be creative and progressive.
Live life as it comes.
Enjoy life as it comes and be proud of your self and your desire and dream.
Stay calm and co-operative.
Privacy Please Any information received from this site through e-mail or any other means are strictly confidential. The information will not be released to anyone under any circumstances. Thank you for your co-operation.
Dear Publishers; Writes; Readers; News Papers; Magazine; News Latters; Blogs; Radio net work; TV net work; Any Media; Community; city; USA; World:
Hare are some of Future book publication adia and wring any individual; publisher; marketer intrested in having publishg right in related subject or topics feel free to call me or send a proposel.
Personal writeing.com
Exclusinewriting.com / Prsonalwriting.com / Usefullwriting.com / Creativewriting.com / Constructivewriting.com / peacefullwriting.com / Familywriting.com / Mediawriting.com / Freewriting.com / Confidentialwriting.com / safewriting.com / securewriting.com / Writingright.com / writiersbefnefit.com / writersmarket.com /
Writing books; small business premotiom; Jay Patel; realtor; Insurance Peofessonal; Writing for ordinary people with real life time expiriance learnig from real life understanding; ulilizing; and How to encorage people to get into own business with confidence and make it suceeful for investers-employee-employer-owners for personal prosperity and community.
Writing book is secondary activity for me for free time and week end activity after Loving family life; children education and hotel business work is done and complited satisfactrly.
Writing book about running for public office and undersading what it take to rune for public office and how to become a honest; responcible; oppen minded true public servent. How to get work done for people benefite and have people invole in making those work complited and have people benefite of work.
Writing books; Promoting eduaction inportance for individual progress and sucess and achivement and satisfaction. pramoting a community volenteering work for safe; secure and prospering community for benefite of every one. Having eduacation value to promoting trough out the life cycle dapending on individual priority education is life long learning; undersatanding; ulilizing in real life and modifing and adgesting and adapting with chanching time and progressing with peace and proseperity as a proirity to have. Pramoting individual family value and inporatance to have a strong family valu for stable and satisfied growth for family and induividual.
Utilizing all resorece to pramote real value and simple and easy to undersatan lenguage for people to follow and be satisfied with own achivement and keeping progress in their own undersading and adjesting by self study or guidence in case of missundersanding or doute about real valu and health; procperity and peace for individua and community.
Promoting peace and co-operation; What are some positive examle for suceeful achivement of history. such as Abrham Lincon; George Washington; Herry truman; Mahatma gandhi; Martine luther king; Mother teresa; President Kenedy and his strong leadershi skill. Achivement of our be loved precident ronald regane; Work of president bush and clinton and thier achivement; Work of President jimmy carter after retiring from presidency to promote human right and other nessasery work around world that need to be done and devorting his knolege and expiriance to coplite the work. Nelson mandela his achive ment for people of soth africa and have lasting impact on socity for genration to come and follo as row model and guidence for youg genration to achive and make this word woderfull progressing with peace and prosperity to enjoy with every one to gether. And Offecose Mrs Rosa Park who's real story i just came to know resently and have depest respect and grate regard for her and her service to the people and community these nation and world legacy for gnration to come.
What was the key ingradiant for this grate leaders had that keep them going thourh out their life will be people's intrest 1st and doing work that benefit current socity and socity of genration to come. how they win the hart's and mind of people that they were taking responcibility; representing and beliving in self that they wore doing right way to achive their gole for benefit of people.
How to bring about grate leders of past and current history to these genration to motivat to work and achive some basic fundament need of socity for devloping nation and satisfi the need of progressing nation to fullfil the demand for community and socity to prosper in peace and harmony with changing time. How to utilise the resorecis wisely and get neesery benafit to people who need most. How to monitor progress of devloing nation and communites sucess to people to invole to comite nessacery resorce on need basic and producing nessacery result from ulilised resorcis.
Any global agenda of peace and prosperity work will have more sucess when more people involve to make it sucessful but with few ditition maker in line on end result work achivement. How about un and global work are prepared and monitor in ahed of time before prospective need for devloping nation come to realise and need necessary help. work do need to have a clear and simle goal of work with modified as work progress but not stopoing the progress of productive work. work comlited have more benefite in the end but sugested propose project or work half done do give some guidence for future work that will be coming as socity and community progress for their need.
How to promote book; News paper colum; magazine colum; daily colum on website; news latter colum; tv intervie; website promition; Lettrory atterny for representation; convincing publiser and agent to work with you to publishing. having editores work to editorial work withou takin any right of writers.
What are promotional facters; book cover; inside story; interview of peole; story of book; how it was writen; how to put together story in smooth; informative; educating; creative and guding for rith derection for sucess and progress.
Why reader wants to read book mainy to learn and know the topic or subject of their intrest.
Jay Patel; Family Man; Business Owner; Writer; Artist; Creater; Peace maker; Promoter; Marketres;
This are my personal writing for personal intrest and undertsanding history and situation in this progressing and expanding global economy and have a oppinian and observation about this world and see the possible peacefull and hopefull clear calm progress with prosperity with stable growth without unnessacery conflict.
What is key for resolving conflict?
Resone for conflict; undertstanding; explaning doing right from wrong.
Usaly simle resone is dislike and discomfert for party involve. Does third party keeping calm and consentrating to focuse on doing right work and staying bisiy and keeping people bisiy in their own intrest of work take people mind's away from involving in unnessasary riski behaviar and thinking.
How to communicate the conflict to people and have it solve and keep it control and leading in resolving. Communicating people to positive aspect of resolving and staying ahead with all forceean conflict. How to keep people aware the risk and keeping them calm and not to panic and fear of any kind of terror. key may be involving people to be aware of situation and not to panic or fear and let authority inform of any unusal activity. keeping that meassage communicating peacefull and calmly with positive example of sucessful prevention terror act.
USA will keep strong miletry action where ever and when ever any sign of terorr or any conflict risk. How leadershing take nessacery step to take action to defite terror and keeping ahead of situation and possible unexpacted risk. Every day monitoring and assasing and keeping focuse and be ready for nessasery action in time on need.
Keep focusing on doing right all the time and keeping track for nessacery work and communicating publicly to do right and every one involve work co-operatively and communicating to keeping track on same page.
How individual keep focuse for own work and business by having faith and confidence in their own Govement. Govement around world will take nesasery action with co-perastion with all agency and other goverment nessacery action to defite terror without delaying.
How to prepare third word country and devloping country to prepare to defite terror in their own country or regian. By sawing and telling importance of having freedom and safe comminity to progress for individual in turn that benefit that perticular country or regian.
USA will support and defend any country that ask and need help in defiting terror and establish freedom for their country or regian. In devloping counry people need to get confidence and comfert of safety to come forward to speak aginst terror and unjustise. Some positive example of defiting and confrenting terror and unjustise and benefite of doing can be communicated offent to people to ancorage to speak aginst terror and unjusise and do not tolerate unnessasery feare aginst individual or community to have fredome and peace with prosperity and progress. Sawing people a way to observ serounding for suspeciace activity and have a visible contact for reporting or communication to proper authority so nessacery action can be taken and herdel aginst peacefull prosperty with progress for individual and community be removed and have people give control over surraunding and have people devlop prospering free community of their like and enjoy it without any kind of terror; fear or unjustice.
Love; Support and Defend Freedome and Reaspect and Appriciate Our Service Men and Women.
God gives every one Plenty of Peace; Prosperity; Progress and Happyness.
Terrorists will be Defited.
Feel free to call (985) 320 6006; Visit: Welcone2home.com or email dsl@800dsl.com
Active Associate L.L.C.
Jay Patel;
230 N. morrison Blvd
Hammond; LA 70401
How creative; educating and positive up beat gernalisam can help solving some of current issues of human kind. This issues and like and dislike been in existence from years. What did we as a human have learn from historey; real life expiriance; people's inrection to deal with and solve it peacefull and calmly for our future genration to enjoy their frutes and have peace full progress and prosperity.
Jenalist can look for and ask for solving the issue quastion and monitering the result. Proposing own instict if some propose solution do not work. Just reporting violance happening will not solve any issues. But going deep for looking to resolve situation and ask for nessacery help from authority or business or individual to co-operate and resolve.
There is lot of telent and resorcies are avilable today to fix any problem and go forward toward peace and prosperity. Utilising awailable resorcies wisely and directly to resolve the problem or issue will be one of solution. keeping on track on resolving issues and keep pressing the solution that work and asking people participation and communicating sucess going forward will have progressive and self solving and monitoring envirement that will continu to grow as people see positive result of co-operation and enjoyment and plasere of geting job done right. and have positive and guiding impressetion it will have for future genration to keep path of prosperity with peace and progress oppen to walk and welcome along the way any one want to join with to enjoy peace and prosperity together.
How creative jernalist can direct telent and resorce to create prospering economic envirement. Direct the telent toward true oppertunity for Peace; prosperity and progress. People learn from their pears and their surrounding envirement some future expactation for them self have a higher expectation from individual and community for stable economical progress for individual and comminity.
Writing about opportunity for collage graduating student for taking thir responcibility with grate pride in their contribution in prosperity and progress. Writing about high school student to consentrate for have exelense in their collage graduation and getting and compiting to get high grade and be proude or getting high mark and grade for educational achivement.
Elementy school have understanding of basic principal of subjects and have fun with spors activity to create healthy growth and maturing with confidence in self and be indepent going forward in understanding importance of education for self satisfaction and fullfilment encoregment for higher achivement.
How creative jernalist communicate publish new business opportunity for young genration to explore business opportunity learn to have own profitable business with undestanding business fundamental with practical expiriance with confidence and contribute for economical progress.
What are management and ditition making opportunity. How to get nominate for bord memmber for business or nonprofit community agency Or commity Or bord. How to motivate collage graduate with ledership telent and skill to running for public office for honest public service such as council men or women; mayor; state house or state senate. How to encorage corporate exicutive to run for congressnal house or senate election and bring their corporate business knoledge and experties to bringe to contribute in public service policy.
With today global economy there will be nessacity; demand for more transperency and economic data and educating; intraction among compiting economy and more business and consumare participation and need for knoge for understanding fundament of ecomomy for individual consumare and business hiaring expert to stay ahed with expanding economy with knolege it requred to stay ahed and compite with similar business.
How about letest economic monitor model to keep track on existing growth and expantion. How about having test model for economic out look for unexpacted rick for study and be ready for sugesetion for stretagy for over coming unexpacted risk.
With global economic progress there will be incrise in demand for economic fundament understanding and expanding and staying profitable with stable growth and working with incrise compition.
Does individual and business capabality due to intrernet and ease in trading online will give some guidence for future growth for trade among individual; business and compiting economy.
What does online busienss offer to their consumer and client and additional distribution chaneel for market their product and service mainly marketing capability today and some fast distribution feature duto monitaring and economical use. Online business will keep improving and adgeting to adopt consumer demand and satisfiy business expantion and growth. It will grow in harmany with intrcting and understanding as it grow and expand.
How devloping economy can utilise to benefit for thire people these expanding online business with limited resoces and knoledge for their end users that they lake to get benefit have.
How individual business react to economic out look and interprite and make dition for exantion and stable growth.
How editorial creative jernalish can be publish and undertud in silpe plane easy to undestand language for day to day people to undestand and have a positive impact for peaceful progress for properity.
How individual can be progress in their own work with ownership intrest as work expertise incrise.
This are my personal writing and creativity for personal intrest and undertsanding history and situation in this progressing and expanding global economy and have a oppinian and observation about this world and see the possible peacefull and hopefull clear calm progress with prosperity with stable growth without unnessacery conflict. /10-30-2005-8:05AM/
8 / 1/ 05 5:45 AM - 8 / 10 / 2005 7:15 AM
Good Morning:
How about local city; states resident; people and citizen have a opportunity to hvae public offering and participation of mutual stock insted of bonds ( or combination ) for creating; genrating and maintaing reqiered capital for public service these will give people opportunity to invest in publice service ulility such as water; sewer; energy; road; school; collage; university; service and local goverment have more time to look for quality of service insted of how to manage and maintain service and how to manage capital oppen and accontability to publice by publishing and managing a valu of stock.
Local city and states do progress in duetime with added capital genrating ability for some local goverment will have opprtunity to progress with path for future progress for their citizen and people who have capital have opprtunity to investing in progressing local economy; utility; education; training; small business; brightfuture with healthy investment return.
Local and ststes ulility; education; training; growth is stable and needed and service for people and do need needed capital for iprovement and management and maintance.
Date-time-palce- of Blog---
Praying god asking for peace; happy and health life for all mankind....
7-28-05 6:30 am
Devloping a algoritum for word economy and filing for pattern right for future economic out look for everyday; weekly; monthly and yearly and decade out look for every day people to undestand and utilise in daily life and have personal progress and prosperity with satisfacty and confident groth.
Happy Birthday to me. Thank you god and Praying god for every thing for so blesing and real good for blessing to me with happy healthy and prosperus and progressinve life. Wish me all the best for achivng goal have dream come true in future too.
Personal goal for future buying another business; running for publick office; City mayor; Parish president; State House representative; State senate Representative; Secratery of state with in next four year before year 2008.
Individual Economy : Job; Business; Personal Asset; Intrest;Retirement;
City economy: Population+Jobs; Business; Travelers; Goverment inflow Incentive; Public service expance;
State Economy: Population; Jobs ; Business; Travelesr; Resorces;
Goverment Inflow Incentive; public service expence;
Country Economy: people; Job; business; corporate business; Unemploymenr rate; State; Tax Revenu; Expance;
World Economy:
Infinite economy for future progress; understanding; keeping on track and
Market out look; monitory out look; resorec out look; Comodity out look; job and work out look; Business Progress and current and future investment out look.
WE = DOW + Eu + JE + CE+ IE + ........
7-23-05 7:00 am
Planning for Decade and Adding as decade progress for stability and groth with peacefull prosperity.
Year 2010 to 2020 going forward devloping reserving capital fund on going and incrising limit calucating from future need for next 30 year.
Having devlop reaserv capital funding for
Defence and security reserv:
Social sicurity reserv:
Medicare and medicade reserv:
Emergency Insurance reserve:
Yealy Insurance reserv:
Working capital reserv:
7-23-05 7:05 am
7-20-05 6:25
Individual small business opportunity today:
Independent creater / conrtacter; Realtor / Real Estate representative; Insurance Providers / Risk takers / Investers / Representative; Legal Represntative; Books counting / keeping / managing; Helth care provider; Hotel; motel; Inn; Reasturant / investers / management ;
Teachers; Nurse; Coaches; Volenters;
Marketing service ; Indipendent radio station; owners; Independent TV station; networks; owners; Talk saw host; Independent new paper; magazine; New latter writers; Columnist; Book writiers; Movie makes; Online marketers;
How existing marketing service will utilise and make revenu growth and incrise marketing base by utilsing existing client and provde online marketing out let to extend online marketing feture avilabe today.
Nasacity; need; want; preseption; supply; demand and future growth.
What it take to have your own business:
Education; motivation; Capital; Individual time; Family; emplyee; Business knolege; existing business; improving or starting new; Business location; marketing existing and ongoing depending on return. /9/21/2005/6:51AM/Hammond;LA.70401/U.S.A./
Dear Friend; Family; Community; City; Sates; USA; World:
Chat; blog; learn; read; write; insted of smoke; Get right habit and get healthy; happy and strong and stady.
How about designing a epich that one keep with them about not smoking motivation speech; music; Family voice; or activity that individual can hear or get involve when individual feel like having a nicotine for their health. This can be added with mobile phone with one tuch dial nuber individual can dial and get by without having nicotine and way to getting into right habit.
Writing about small business:
Starting a small business; Home work before starting;
Keep it profitable; Keeping it effecient;
keeping it siple; keep it growing with stability;
How business grow and stay with trend;
How new product and servise effect current business;
How small business differnt from big-corporation.
What is futher for small business.
Any Publishers; Newspapers; Magazines intrested in Writing; Printing; Publish colum published or book on related topics write to me with proposal:
Jay Patel;
Active Associate LLC
230 n. Morrison blve
Hammond; LA; 70401
Hurrican katrina relife work. Get Involve; Get connected; Stay connected;
We can get work done;
Let's go together HELP Work together.
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Revision as of 01:42, 29 August 2007





Dear people: Welcome People's Creative; constructive; Question; comment; suggestion; ideas-creativity or information and-or for connection; integration; mitigation; progress and success with peace; prosperity health and wealth and knowledge……

New and improving ways of thinking; Asking; connecting; being constructive; protective; safeguarding; securing; expanding with stability and ability for success and progress...... Domain name and web sites with easy to reamember name or number to Market Products or Services. Open to Lition; Share; Debate; Improve and Modify any Creative Ideas and Writing for Business; Marketing; Consulting; Printing; Publishing; Production; Trade; Volunteering; Public Service; or Job Opportunity.

siple easy nice neat clean business name web site and service advertising and marketing ++++

Domain names Blogs and web sites with easy to reamember name or number to Market Products or Services. Open to Lition; Share; Debate; Improve and Modify any Creative Ideas and Writing for Business; Marketing; Consulting; Printing; Publishing; Production; Trade; Volunteering; Public Service; or Job Opportunity.

Year auguest 2007 to 2010 going forwar issues and debate that will be resolve. and new issues will be bring in to picture and modified and future activity-creativity- and individual; community; city; state; USA; World Sucess with calm and resolve peace and prosperity and progress for every one.

Writing about different issues observing it and it's futuer out come and have word to say about it or suggetion that may be useful.

Year 2007-2010... and going forward how different issues will be resolved and debetaed and how people will get femmiliar with issue and contribute their time; money their idias to resolve in a diplomatic and creative way then just let it be there to have get control over the agenda and futuer discution.

Globalization is alredy on way and people are starting compiting on world wide basis. You may live in any contry but it's not hard for people to know what happening in other part of the world. Small day to day life may not effect that much due to globalization but there are some advantage and challengess of globilization.

Economic effect of globalisation is more commpitition and wide base of marketing for product or service. Publising globalisation challenges may seems good idia.

How other county and economy will compite for resorce tryto manage and tryto get upper hand. stoping market expantion will not run sooth global economical expantion. evetualy there will be other market and resorcice will be invented.

Understanging globalization in turm of having come up with enofe sorcess to satisfied incrising need and demand for product and service.

Once any product or service is invented and sucessfuly establise profitable business there are few way to improve that perticular product or service and expand the market for groth oppotrunity. Improving profit margine by improving product or service and expanding market sare is better way to improving profit compare to cutting cost.

Education is individual priority then goverment having to provide education for every one Community-city-goverment will co-operate-communicate and dedicate resorciss for education but sucess on individual is more depend on own desire; Resorce avilabe and utilise;

Opportunity created to devlop and nurture that creativity; telent; time spend for getting better every day; to have a better education and futuer.

Social security may or may not be fix now but people will start saving for their own retirepment realising that it's not good idia to depend on social security or pention or goverment program those do get change with time and one can be left with not much help if changes come at time when there is not much time left to correct and improve for individual need.

Having more flexibility in ira or roth ira and indivitual contributin and be added or substitute for private retiment plan. Flexibily in contribution can be added in roth ira for 5 year past or advance contribution. Routh IRA is one form of private retirement account today and it can communicate more individual to involve and have benefit individual contribution for future growth.

Medicare and medicade may have been created for better health for seniars but it's cost is have a real financial sqeez on goverment spending going forward. One solution will be getting controll over rising medical and prisciption cost. I do have a feeling some of medical expense are influated just because of people not knowing about it and no one to looking after the expence.

Undestanding migration or immigration and it's mutual contribution and it's effect on safety; security; economy; future; and it's long turm solution for having this influx of resorcies to manage. Ever since america has been discove and created it's immigration or say migration that has discove and criated and perfacted this grate amirica today and we all proude of that. Now the same migration and immigration have been quastion about it's impact on present time and futuer safety; security; economy; stable and storng freedom loving progress.

Quastion is not it's good or bad it's quastion of masering and managing it to get best out of situation. One can spend all time and resorces to masure; manage; control or stop migration and it's impact-influance on safety; security; economy; community; cities; states in the futuer or one can welcome it manage it and get best out of it.

Possible sujjetion; recomandation; solution can be we need to know one does not need to be feared or thretend. No one can performe it's best when individuals; Family; corporation or community are put in stress situation. Do we know now how much migration individual community; state; america; other country can handel and manage sucessfuly to have get best out of resoures and ulilize and manage for futuer forward progress; prosperity and stable groth.

How this migration can be spered equaly to spred it's benefit globaly and have benefit of it's prosperity spread around the world so people feel free and motivated to work and prosperus at their own home rather then looking for those freedome and properity some where else.

How about migration and prosperity Law; rules and regulation; policy from fedal govement but maneging it from Local govement; Sate goverment with understanding that it's efficency and management by local goverment and state goverment also contribution to community when it's manage and utilising right.

Migration is difficult task to stop it need to manage with changing time with it's effect on safety; security; economy; community; city and states; and futher growth on long turm basiss. It can be monitore on ongoing basis and have a report it's impact on day to day life and it's real impact on economy and keep fine tuning as time progress.

How about migration can be mad two way by intigrating and redistributing for mutual safety; security; economic mesurement and management and prosperity. exaple america has to offer job opportunity for young genration at same time devloping nation have a opporunity to offer for expantion and devlopment for enrupenuar oriented visonery to migrate or have a community devlopment project for exploring economic expantion and prosprity. /---10/25/2005/

Keeping focus for personal growth; family and children education and recreation. Life is not one day or one week success or falier it's has to looked as a balance life and be lived and enjoyed by staying in own boundary of satisfactory and requirement of things. Do not ask or wish for thing that you can not handle.

It's every day routine work keep doing it; it take time to see result but do not divert from priority in life. family comes 1st; Need time to get work done. Do not need to involve or try to do every thing. It's not possible to do every thing you want to do in life. You may dream about it. But few basic principle of life is must and it need to be done on every day. Keep your life simple and sweet; Be happy; Do your daily routine work.

I do have a basic of life right. Do not worry too much do not pay attention about or worry about what others think or say about you. Live your own life and be happy about your self and do care for others. Do respect people and their beliefs. Do not be rood to people or get angry. Get control on angers and emotion is part of life when you get control on your angered and your emotion you will get control your self. Be in control of your own life and day's activity but very important not to try to control others you can not do not try.

Do not need to achieve too much as materialistic; be happy with what you have; appreciate what you have; care for it; take time to enjoy it; focus on making better on what you got rather that trying to get some more and new thing it's never ending thing. Be positive and optimistic about life. Your effort for making thing better for others do not go in wane. Keep working for achieving better life for your self; your family and every one around you. People are nice to you and be nice to every one around you. People do help each other.

Where i am today it's not just happen. I did study hard and did work that was intend for me to be get done along the way small up's and down felt but in the end where i am today i am happy and proud my self my parent and my family and friends and every one. Thank you god for every thing you have done for me and my family and i have a faith in you. You will give me strength and faith in the future to guide me and my family in the right direction. From here where will you be in future you will decide depending on what i will do every day. Do not west time thinking about get involve in work. Work get done slowly but surely. If you have a basic right end result will be right; On the way to getting result up's and down will come but it's part of life. Road to any destiny is not always straight or known. You have to question your own self too but do not dout about your basic belief. Lotion to every one make a ditition looking at all the fact. Do not carried away with misguided fact or wrong belief.

Keep realty of life in front of you there is many opportunity and way to success out there but what good for you and your family and community you only can decide what is best for you. If some thing working for you keep it going.

Help is available for achieving your goal in life it's question of asking right person.

For individual growth and achievement education is must. And how well they use their education in practical way and in real life situation. Most people want to have an education to have a good job. once they get some get satisfied with their job and stay that along as they feel good about them self and they like what they are doing. Some wants to achieve more in their life will try to get by having more experience or have better education. till they satisfied with what they achieve.

Some will want to peruse to have their own business in fact every one want to have their own business but not every one achieve their goal in their life time. Some business get so success that they might have a hard time satisfying with demand. Good for them; wish them well and more success in the future. Some will stay with current time and make enaf for them self and will enjoy what they doing. Some will not be so success full will look for another one. This is a end less process it continue with time and as more and more people progress in their achievement their demand for more and better thing will grow with time.

There is lot of sale opportunity out their for individual to try and be successful at it. Most business want to have their sale staff increase on regular basis.

How the time and days and month and years pass by no regrets none what so ever happy with where i am today and i have a faith and confidence in god and me; my family; friends and every one that future will be fine for me; my family; friends and every one around these word and in this community.

Life story as it progress with time. Basic principle of life does not change much. Circumstances and surrounding change with time. you have to adjust with changes and be comfortable with it. Do not fight or argue about changes accept happily and get use to changes.

6-17-04 This writing and any of my other writing are just for my own way of living life and understanding from it. It has nothing to do with what's going on around this word. I believe and have a confidence in people; people will understand i am happy; healthy; honest peace loving family person. Please do not make any ditition or jujment base on this writing about me or my way of living life or any one else.

Please be co-oprerative and confidential of this writing this is writing that i have learn to write to make my life and every one to more happy; healthy and pleasant. Please do not miss use or misguided by this writing.

Future will be bright for me; my family; friends and every one in America and this world.

God Bless America and every one else in theses world. People need to understand what America doing for others is to do some good for every one in this world. And people have to respect America's policies; America's rules and regulation and appreciate with respect for America and American people. This grate nation has been though what other countries are going though today and will progress them self with time.

My personal opinion about America was different when i was not here what i see today here in America and what people see America from out side world is different. What i have seen is America is land of free and provide opportunity to every one to grow and create opportunity for them self and make their dream reality. America and people of America can communicate about this wonder full country and beautiful peace loving people and nation in more positive way. It can be done. If People will communicate more aboute their positive and happy and healthy experience more often it will generate more positive effect.

One example will be India when it became free there was a violence; has many after that and still have some conflict now and then but they are progressing; people have a better life today then what they had before.

Others county have to be pation with there work and their goal. Other country should not use any violence approach to achieve their goal and achieve their desire.

Other country have different priority about them self. They have different goal to achieve for their people.

America will be powerful and strong nation for generation and will be the strongest and best of the best.

I can say from my own life that America and American people have gave me the best gift of all freedom and opportunity to do the work without fear of any one minding your business and prosper and live happy and healthy family life. and much more then i ask or dream for it i will be always appreciative of what this country and people have gave me to achieve where i am to day and i have grate respect for America and people of America. I have faith and confidence that they will be supportive of my work and my way of thinking and living life healthy; happily; peacefully; safely; co-operative and enjoying it. It has been land of opportunity and it will be that way for years to come.

Wish every one happy; healthy and prosperous life journey for years to come.

Love every one and be loved by every one.

Be happy and make every one around you happy.

Be creative and progressive.

Live life as it comes.

Enjoy life as it comes and be proud of your self and your desire and dream.

Stay calm and co-operative.

Privacy Please Any information received from this site through e-mail or any other means are strictly confidential. The information will not be released to anyone under any circumstances. Thank you for your co-operation.

Dear Publishers; Writes; Readers; News Papers; Magazine; News Latters; Blogs; Radio net work; TV net work; Any Media; Community; city; USA; World:

Hare are some of Future book publication adia and wring any individual; publisher; marketer intrested in having publishg right in related subject or topics feel free to call me or send a proposel.

Personal writeing.com

Exclusinewriting.com / Prsonalwriting.com / Usefullwriting.com / Creativewriting.com / Constructivewriting.com / peacefullwriting.com / Familywriting.com / Mediawriting.com / Freewriting.com / Confidentialwriting.com / safewriting.com / securewriting.com / Writingright.com / writiersbefnefit.com / writersmarket.com /

Writing books; small business premotiom; Jay Patel; realtor; Insurance Peofessonal; Writing for ordinary people with real life time expiriance learnig from real life understanding; ulilizing; and How to encorage people to get into own business with confidence and make it suceeful for investers-employee-employer-owners for personal prosperity and community.

Writing book is secondary activity for me for free time and week end activity after Loving family life; children education and hotel business work is done and complited satisfactrly.

Writing book about running for public office and undersading what it take to rune for public office and how to become a honest; responcible; oppen minded true public servent. How to get work done for people benefite and have people invole in making those work complited and have people benefite of work.

Writing books; Promoting eduaction inportance for individual progress and sucess and achivement and satisfaction. pramoting a community volenteering work for safe; secure and prospering community for benefite of every one. Having eduacation value to promoting trough out the life cycle dapending on individual priority education is life long learning; undersatanding; ulilizing in real life and modifing and adgesting and adapting with chanching time and progressing with peace and proseperity as a proirity to have. Pramoting individual family value and inporatance to have a strong family valu for stable and satisfied growth for family and induividual.

Utilizing all resorece to pramote real value and simple and easy to undersatan lenguage for people to follow and be satisfied with own achivement and keeping progress in their own undersading and adjesting by self study or guidence in case of missundersanding or doute about real valu and health; procperity and peace for individua and community.

Promoting peace and co-operation; What are some positive examle for suceeful achivement of history. such as Abrham Lincon; George Washington; Herry truman; Mahatma gandhi; Martine luther king; Mother teresa; President Kenedy and his strong leadershi skill. Achivement of our be loved precident ronald regane; Work of president bush and clinton and thier achivement; Work of President jimmy carter after retiring from presidency to promote human right and other nessasery work around world that need to be done and devorting his knolege and expiriance to coplite the work. Nelson mandela his achive ment for people of soth africa and have lasting impact on socity for genration to come and follo as row model and guidence for youg genration to achive and make this word woderfull progressing with peace and prosperity to enjoy with every one to gether. And Offecose Mrs Rosa Park who's real story i just came to know resently and have depest respect and grate regard for her and her service to the people and community these nation and world legacy for gnration to come.

What was the key ingradiant for this grate leaders had that keep them going thourh out their life will be people's intrest 1st and doing work that benefit current socity and socity of genration to come. how they win the hart's and mind of people that they were taking responcibility; representing and beliving in self that they wore doing right way to achive their gole for benefit of people.

How to bring about grate leders of past and current history to these genration to motivat to work and achive some basic fundament need of socity for devloping nation and satisfi the need of progressing nation to fullfil the demand for community and socity to prosper in peace and harmony with changing time. How to utilise the resorecis wisely and get neesery benafit to people who need most. How to monitor progress of devloing nation and communites sucess to people to invole to comite nessacery resorce on need basic and producing nessacery result from ulilised resorcis.

Any global agenda of peace and prosperity work will have more sucess when more people involve to make it sucessful but with few ditition maker in line on end result work achivement. How about un and global work are prepared and monitor in ahed of time before prospective need for devloping nation come to realise and need necessary help. work do need to have a clear and simle goal of work with modified as work progress but not stopoing the progress of productive work. work comlited have more benefite in the end but sugested propose project or work half done do give some guidence for future work that will be coming as socity and community progress for their need.

How to promote book; News paper colum; magazine colum; daily colum on website; news latter colum; tv intervie; website promition; Lettrory atterny for representation; convincing publiser and agent to work with you to publishing. having editores work to editorial work withou takin any right of writers.

What are promotional facters; book cover; inside story; interview of peole; story of book; how it was writen; how to put together story in smooth; informative; educating; creative and guding for rith derection for sucess and progress.

Why reader wants to read book mainy to learn and know the topic or subject of their intrest.

Jay Patel; Family Man; Business Owner; Writer; Artist; Creater; Peace maker; Promoter; Marketres;


This are my personal writing for personal intrest and undertsanding history and situation in this progressing and expanding global economy and have a oppinian and observation about this world and see the possible peacefull and hopefull clear calm progress with prosperity with stable growth without unnessacery conflict.

What is key for resolving conflict?

Resone for conflict; undertstanding; explaning doing right from wrong. Usaly simle resone is dislike and discomfert for party involve. Does third party keeping calm and consentrating to focuse on doing right work and staying bisiy and keeping people bisiy in their own intrest of work take people mind's away from involving in unnessasary riski behaviar and thinking.

How to communicate the conflict to people and have it solve and keep it control and leading in resolving. Communicating people to positive aspect of resolving and staying ahead with all forceean conflict. How to keep people aware the risk and keeping them calm and not to panic and fear of any kind of terror. key may be involving people to be aware of situation and not to panic or fear and let authority inform of any unusal activity. keeping that meassage communicating peacefull and calmly with positive example of sucessful prevention terror act.

USA will keep strong miletry action where ever and when ever any sign of terorr or any conflict risk. How leadershing take nessacery step to take action to defite terror and keeping ahead of situation and possible unexpacted risk. Every day monitoring and assasing and keeping focuse and be ready for nessasery action in time on need.

Keep focusing on doing right all the time and keeping track for nessacery work and communicating publicly to do right and every one involve work co-operatively and communicating to keeping track on same page. How individual keep focuse for own work and business by having faith and confidence in their own Govement. Govement around world will take nesasery action with co-perastion with all agency and other goverment nessacery action to defite terror without delaying. How to prepare third word country and devloping country to prepare to defite terror in their own country or regian. By sawing and telling importance of having freedom and safe comminity to progress for individual in turn that benefit that perticular country or regian. USA will support and defend any country that ask and need help in defiting terror and establish freedom for their country or regian. In devloping counry people need to get confidence and comfert of safety to come forward to speak aginst terror and unjustise. Some positive example of defiting and confrenting terror and unjustise and benefite of doing can be communicated offent to people to ancorage to speak aginst terror and unjusise and do not tolerate unnessasery feare aginst individual or community to have fredome and peace with prosperity and progress. Sawing people a way to observ serounding for suspeciace activity and have a visible contact for reporting or communication to proper authority so nessacery action can be taken and herdel aginst peacefull prosperty with progress for individual and community be removed and have people give control over surraunding and have people devlop prospering free community of their like and enjoy it without any kind of terror; fear or unjustice. Love; Support and Defend Freedome and Reaspect and Appriciate Our Service Men and Women. God gives every one Plenty of Peace; Prosperity; Progress and Happyness. Terrorists will be Defited.

Feel free to call (985) 320 6006; Visit: Welcone2home.com or email dsl@800dsl.com

Active Associate L.L.C.

Jay Patel; 230 N. morrison Blvd Hammond; LA 70401 USA


How creative; educating and positive up beat gernalisam can help solving some of current issues of human kind. This issues and like and dislike been in existence from years. What did we as a human have learn from historey; real life expiriance; people's inrection to deal with and solve it peacefull and calmly for our future genration to enjoy their frutes and have peace full progress and prosperity.

Jenalist can look for and ask for solving the issue quastion and monitering the result. Proposing own instict if some propose solution do not work. Just reporting violance happening will not solve any issues. But going deep for looking to resolve situation and ask for nessacery help from authority or business or individual to co-operate and resolve.

There is lot of telent and resorcies are avilable today to fix any problem and go forward toward peace and prosperity. Utilising awailable resorcies wisely and directly to resolve the problem or issue will be one of solution. keeping on track on resolving issues and keep pressing the solution that work and asking people participation and communicating sucess going forward will have progressive and self solving and monitoring envirement that will continu to grow as people see positive result of co-operation and enjoyment and plasere of geting job done right. and have positive and guiding impressetion it will have for future genration to keep path of prosperity with peace and progress oppen to walk and welcome along the way any one want to join with to enjoy peace and prosperity together.

How creative jernalist can direct telent and resorce to create prospering economic envirement. Direct the telent toward true oppertunity for Peace; prosperity and progress. People learn from their pears and their surrounding envirement some future expactation for them self have a higher expectation from individual and community for stable economical progress for individual and comminity.

Writing about opportunity for collage graduating student for taking thir responcibility with grate pride in their contribution in prosperity and progress. Writing about high school student to consentrate for have exelense in their collage graduation and getting and compiting to get high grade and be proude or getting high mark and grade for educational achivement.

Elementy school have understanding of basic principal of subjects and have fun with spors activity to create healthy growth and maturing with confidence in self and be indepent going forward in understanding importance of education for self satisfaction and fullfilment encoregment for higher achivement.

How creative jernalist communicate publish new business opportunity for young genration to explore business opportunity learn to have own profitable business with undestanding business fundamental with practical expiriance with confidence and contribute for economical progress.

What are management and ditition making opportunity. How to get nominate for bord memmber for business or nonprofit community agency Or commity Or bord. How to motivate collage graduate with ledership telent and skill to running for public office for honest public service such as council men or women; mayor; state house or state senate. How to encorage corporate exicutive to run for congressnal house or senate election and bring their corporate business knoledge and experties to bringe to contribute in public service policy.

With today global economy there will be nessacity; demand for more transperency and economic data and educating; intraction among compiting economy and more business and consumare participation and need for knoge for understanding fundament of ecomomy for individual consumare and business hiaring expert to stay ahed with expanding economy with knolege it requred to stay ahed and compite with similar business.

How about letest economic monitor model to keep track on existing growth and expantion. How about having test model for economic out look for unexpacted rick for study and be ready for sugesetion for stretagy for over coming unexpacted risk.

With global economic progress there will be incrise in demand for economic fundament understanding and expanding and staying profitable with stable growth and working with incrise compition. Does individual and business capabality due to intrernet and ease in trading online will give some guidence for future growth for trade among individual; business and compiting economy.

What does online busienss offer to their consumer and client and additional distribution chaneel for market their product and service mainly marketing capability today and some fast distribution feature duto monitaring and economical use. Online business will keep improving and adgeting to adopt consumer demand and satisfiy business expantion and growth. It will grow in harmany with intrcting and understanding as it grow and expand.

How devloping economy can utilise to benefit for thire people these expanding online business with limited resoces and knoledge for their end users that they lake to get benefit have. How individual business react to economic out look and interprite and make dition for exantion and stable growth.

How editorial creative jernalish can be publish and undertud in silpe plane easy to undestand language for day to day people to undestand and have a positive impact for peaceful progress for properity. How individual can be progress in their own work with ownership intrest as work expertise incrise.

This are my personal writing and creativity for personal intrest and undertsanding history and situation in this progressing and expanding global economy and have a oppinian and observation about this world and see the possible peacefull and hopefull clear calm progress with prosperity with stable growth without unnessacery conflict. /10-30-2005-8:05AM/ 8 / 1/ 05 5:45 AM - 8 / 10 / 2005 7:15 AM

Good Morning:

How about local city; states resident; people and citizen have a opportunity to hvae public offering and participation of mutual stock insted of bonds ( or combination ) for creating; genrating and maintaing reqiered capital for public service these will give people opportunity to invest in publice service ulility such as water; sewer; energy; road; school; collage; university; service and local goverment have more time to look for quality of service insted of how to manage and maintain service and how to manage capital oppen and accontability to publice by publishing and managing a valu of stock.

Local city and states do progress in duetime with added capital genrating ability for some local goverment will have opprtunity to progress with path for future progress for their citizen and people who have capital have opprtunity to investing in progressing local economy; utility; education; training; small business; brightfuture with healthy investment return.

Local and ststes ulility; education; training; growth is stable and needed and service for people and do need needed capital for iprovement and management and maintance.

/10/25/2005/8:40AM/Hammond;Louisiana;70401/USA/World/--- Date-time-palce- of Blog---

Praying god asking for peace; happy and health life for all mankind.... 7-28-05 6:30 am

Devloping a algoritum for word economy and filing for pattern right for future economic out look for everyday; weekly; monthly and yearly and decade out look for every day people to undestand and utilise in daily life and have personal progress and prosperity with satisfacty and confident groth.

Happy Birthday to me. Thank you god and Praying god for every thing for so blesing and real good for blessing to me with happy healthy and prosperus and progressinve life. Wish me all the best for achivng goal have dream come true in future too.

Personal goal for future buying another business; running for publick office; City mayor; Parish president; State House representative; State senate Representative; Secratery of state with in next four year before year 2008.

Individual Economy : Job; Business; Personal Asset; Intrest;Retirement;

City economy: Population+Jobs; Business; Travelers; Goverment inflow Incentive; Public service expance;

State Economy: Population; Jobs ; Business; Travelesr; Resorces;

Goverment Inflow Incentive; public service expence;

Country Economy: people; Job; business; corporate business; Unemploymenr rate; State; Tax Revenu; Expance; World Economy:


Infinite economy for future progress; understanding; keeping on track and

Market out look; monitory out look; resorec out look; Comodity out look; job and work out look; Business Progress and current and future investment out look.

WE = DOW + Eu + JE + CE+ IE + ........ 7-28-05 7-23-05 7:00 am

Planning for Decade and Adding as decade progress for stability and groth with peacefull prosperity.

Year 2010 to 2020 going forward devloping reserving capital fund on going and incrising limit calucating from future need for next 30 year. Having devlop reaserv capital funding for

Defence and security reserv: Social sicurity reserv: Medicare and medicade reserv: Emergency Insurance reserve: Yealy Insurance reserv:

Working capital reserv:

7-23-05 7:05 am 7-20-05 6:25

Individual small business opportunity today:

Independent creater / conrtacter; Realtor / Real Estate representative; Insurance Providers / Risk takers / Investers / Representative; Legal Represntative; Books counting / keeping / managing; Helth care provider; Hotel; motel; Inn; Reasturant / investers / management ; Teachers; Nurse; Coaches; Volenters; Marketing service ; Indipendent radio station; owners; Independent TV station; networks; owners; Talk saw host; Independent new paper; magazine; New latter writers; Columnist; Book writiers; Movie makes; Online marketers;

How existing marketing service will utilise and make revenu growth and incrise marketing base by utilsing existing client and provde online marketing out let to extend online marketing feture avilabe today. Nasacity; need; want; preseption; supply; demand and future growth. What it take to have your own business:

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Writing about small business: Starting a small business; Home work before starting; Keep it profitable; Keeping it effecient; keeping it siple; keep it growing with stability; How business grow and stay with trend; How new product and servise effect current business; How small business differnt from big-corporation. What is futher for small business.

Any Publishers; Newspapers; Magazines intrested in Writing; Printing; Publish colum published or book on related topics write to me with proposal:

Jay Patel;

Active Associate LLC 230 n. Morrison blve Hammond; LA; 70401

Hurrican katrina relife work. Get Involve; Get connected; Stay connected; We can get work done; Let's go together HELP Work together.

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