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(How-To-Cook-With-vEsNa.com moved to How-To-Cook-With-Vesna.com: "Vesna" is my name, not vEsNa.)

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Revision as of 01:04, 13 January 2011

Plenty of sites tell you what to cook. How To Cook With Vesna teaches you how to cook.

At How To Cook With Vesna, you'll find great recipes and down-to-earth, lively explanations of how they work. You'll find out how and why to use whole foods, sustainable ingredients and heirloom recipes. Learn both traditional cooking techniques and offbeat approaches.

"The best food," says the site's author, food writer and home cook Vesna Vuynovich Kovach, "is made from scratch with great ingredients in a happy kitchen."

Website features



Some of the most popular recipes at How To Cook With Vesna include:

Ethnic cuisines

How To Cook With Vesna also features ethnic cuisines. So far, the two dedicated sections are for Jamaican and Serbian cookery. Indian, Mexican and Thai are slated to be added next.

Cooking skills

Think you can't cook? According to How To Cook With Vesna, it's more likely you simply have subpar equipment. Sections on selecting and maintaining the best cutting boards, knives, and pots and pans tell you how to make better food at your very next meal.

Food and nutrition philosophy

How To Cook With Vesna takes the view that the best food is made from good, whole ingredients, preferably those with a long history of use by the human race. That means eggs, meat, fish, nuts, olive oil fruits and vegetables -- and even bacon, butter and lard. It also means avoiding margarine, industrial vegetable oils such as soy and canola, high fructose corn syrup and MSG. And it means going easy on sugar and all the cereal grains, especially wheat.

What that adds up to is a site with plenty of whole food, low-carb recipes, but a good selection of homemade baked goods as well. "If you restrict carbs, as I do," says Vesna, "then the carbs you do eat should be of the very highest quality -- and deliciousness."


Vesna cites the following as some of the primary influences on her approach to food and cooking.

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