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==Friends of Mercy==
==Friends of Mercy==
Friends of Mercy (F.O.M.) of Baltimore is a support group which helps people adjust to the crisis of being separated, widowed or divorced -- single again bla bla
Friends of Mercy (F.O.M.) of Baltimore is a support group which helps people adjust to the crisis of being separated, widowed or divorced -- single again  
'''Who we are:'''
'''Who we are:'''

Revision as of 11:48, 29 September 2006

Friends of Mercy


Friends of Mercy (F.O.M.) of Baltimore is a support group which helps people adjust to the crisis of being separated, widowed or divorced -- single again

Who we are:

Friends of Mercy (FOM) is an all volunteer nondenominational membership support group that helps people adjust to the crisis of being single again as a result of a broken relationship, separation, divorce or widowhood. Our members come from many social, economic and religious backgrounds. Together we form a special community - an organization of single again people striving to provide acceptance, understanding and opportunities for healing, growth and new lives.

The organization began when Mercy High School alumni began to experience separation and divorce in their own lives and looked back to Mercy for guidance. In early 1980, our mentor and spiritual advisor, Sister Joannes Clifford, began a fall and spring lecture series where professional speakers gave presentations on topics that provided insights into coping with ended relationships and moving toward new lives. The Joannes Series became very popular, and attendees approached Sister Joannes with ideas for a new organization that would offer opportunities for members to meet and socialize in addition to the lectures. FOM was organized with thirty members and met for the first time in September, 1987. Known widely throughout the metropolitan area as a warm, safe, caring and fun group, FOM has had over five hundred members in the last several years.

In 2005, Sister Sue Weetenkamp joined Sister Joannes in this Single-Again ministry.

What we do:

FOM supports people working through the painful process of rebuilding new lives after the often devastating crisis of becoming single again. Each member has unique talents and abilities that are sometimes difficult for the person to recognize during the grieving process. FOM understands that the ending of a relationship can, and often does, force a change in social behavior and activities. People will often feel isolated and confused and will retreat from a social life. FOM provides a safe, warm and caring environment of people in similar circumstances and all members are encouraged to develop their unique gifts by participating in the monthly meetings, discussion groups, social events, outings and parties. Every FOM activity happens only because volunteer members make them happen. Member sponsored activities are the backbone of the social calendar and include everything from birthday bashes to bus trips, from book discussions to theater events. All members are encouraged to attend and sponsor social events. Because many of the social events are held by members in their homes, attendance, unless otherwise noted or with special permission from the host, is strictly limited to current FOM members.

Friends of Mercy provides:

Membership: Members receive the monthly newsletter, are encouraged to participate in member sponsored activities and are eligible to borrow from the library. Dues are $20.00 a year payable in September.

Monthly Newsletter: The monthly newsletter is an informative and complete summary of all Friends of Mercy activities and a valuable resource on other support programs and social events in the area. Members receive the newsletters prior to the start of each month. Complimentary issues are available for two months to nonmembers upon request.

Monthly Meetings: (Open to the Public) At each monthly meeting, well known professional speakers present topics of interest to the single again. Meetings are held the 3rd Sunday of each month from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at Mercy High School and at other air conditioned locations during the summer. A $4.00 donation is requested.

At each Friends of Mercy monthly meeting:

First Friends - The First Friends Committee welcomes first time attendees to the monthly meeting and introduces prospective new members to FOM. Immediately after each monthly meeting, First Friends holds an orientation to explain FOM and to answer questions. Prospective new members are also given the opportunity to join FOM. New members are assigned a personal First Friend, and the First Friend Committee hosts a "New Members Only" Wine and Cheese Party at a Committee member's home several times a year.

Library - The FOM library contains a large collection of books and tapes concentrating on issues for the newly single in understanding, rebuilding and working towards new lives. Members are encouraged to use the library and to donate books and tapes they have found helpful. The library is available only when monthly meetings are held at Mercy High School. Books and tapes may be checked out for up to two months and, if necessary, longer by notifying the librarian.

Bulletin Board - Pictures of recent FOM social activities are displayed on the bulletin board to share with others the fun members have at social outings. Members may advertise their business or service by posting cards and ads on the bulletin board.

Other activities:

Volleyball: (Open to the Public) Coed, casual, fun and very noncompetitive, volleyball meets at Mercy High School on scheduled Fridays throughout the school year from 7:30 - 9:30 PM and at outside locations during the summer. The schedule is posted in the newsletter and in Box #3 on the Information Line. A $3.00 donation is requested.

Discussion Groups: Meet regularly at locations other than Mercy High School.

Single Again Friends Moving Forward - (Open to the Public) FOM's open discussion group emphasizing personal growth and enrichment for separated, divorced and widowed people who have a continuing interest in personal enrichment. This group provides a forum to exchange ideas, experiences and opinions on discussion topics that are advertised sixty days in advance. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Hiss United Methodist church in Parkville. A $2.00 donation is requested.

Widows/Widowers - (Open to the Public) FOM's open discussion group for widows and widowers. This group fills a need for widowed persons to exchange thoughts, feelings, and ideas with each other. Professional speakers are occasionally invited to speak to the group. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Hiss United Methodist church in Parkville. A $2.00 donation is requested.

Second Sunday Discussion - (Members Only) A group discussion and potluck dinner is held on the second Sunday of each month at a member's home from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. The discussion is lead by a trained facilitator and subjects are thought provoking and evoke a laugh or two. Each participant is requested to bring a covered dish and a $3.00 donation.

Programs Friends of Mercy Supports:

FOM is first and foremost a support group emphasizing support, caring and understanding for people going through the often painful process of ending a relationship. The group strives to provide a helpful, warm environment for people to regroup, rebuild and work towards new and better lives. Published on the last pages, and on the back cover of the newsletter, is an extensive list of bereavement and support programs that have proven to be very helpful for people going through the initial, often shattering, crisis of being single again, even though these programs are sponsored by other organizations.

Together We Can Make It - This support group program assists people working through the painful issues and processes involved when a relationship or marriage ends in separation or divorce. Together We Can Make It is a group self help program lead by two trained separated or divorced facilitators. Small, closed groups meet for eight weeks and work with specific materials to address issues involved in the grieving process. Issues including self image, stress, anger, blame, guilt and return to growth are addressed. Fall and winter groups meet at various locations throughout the metropolitan area.

Beginning Experience - This weekend retreat program is designed to help those people who have suffered a trauma through separation, divorce or death. The retreat weekend is meant for people who have worked through the initial anger and despair of an ended relationship and is a time of closure of the past and a new beginning through a powerful, intense experience of self awareness. Meets three times a year at retreat centers throughout the area. A $115.00 donation is requested. Website: www.beginningexperience.org.

Facilitator Training - FOM works with the Single Again Ministry Program from Rhode Island to train facilitators in all aspects of guiding any and all discussion/support groups. Day long facilitator training sessions are conducted at announced locations twice per year. This in-depth training prepares participants to moderate or facilitate any of the discussion groups that FOM supports and is very insightful for all, including those participants who take the training for their own enlightenment. Depending on the participants expected use of the training, a donation of $5.00 to $40.00 is requested.

Information and Publicity:

Business Cards - The FOM Business Card is for members to post in community centers, with friends and others who might have an interest in FOM. The business cards list the prerecorded Information Line telephone number and are available at the monthly meeting and from Committee members.

Information Line - Callers hear an introduction to FOM and by using menu buttons, will learn about the Monthly meeting, our Single Again Friends Moving Forward and Widow/Widowers discussion groups, and Together We Can Make It programs. FOM members learn of changes and updates to the social calendar by pressing #3. The Information Line is toll free throughout the metropolitan area at 410-893-4584.

Publicity - In order to make FOM as widely known as possible, faxes and mailed announcements of the monthly meeting and discussion groups are sent twice a month to institutions, the media and local churches. We feel that many interested persons could benefit from knowing about FOM and are continuously adding family counselors, therapists and pastoral counseling centers to our list. Members are encouraged to add names to the mailing list by contacting the Publicity Chairperson.

Planning Meeting - The monthly planning meeting is vital to the growth and success of FOM. All planning meetings are open to every FOM member and all members are encouraged to attend and make suggestions on improving FOM, offer ideas on social activities, participate in ongoing programs and volunteer their unique talents. Planning meetings are generally held Wednesday following the monthly meetings, and always from 7:00 - 8:30 PM.

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