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==About FuckFrance.com==
reviews = <reviews></reviews> |
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fuckfrance.com -
What do you think of FF? Tell us why you're here and what you hope to accomplish. I'll sticky the best responses, pro or con.
What do you think of FF? Tell us why you're here and what you hope to accomplish. I'll sticky the best responses, pro or con.
I think freddy cabbage is into farm animal sex.
English IS the universal language - French is a dead language
==Community Reviews==
==Community Reviews==
The users frequently STEAL other people's band-width to post stolen, COPYRIGHTED material!!!  I know this because they have taken SEVERAL pic's from MY site, and just linked-back so they would not have to host the images!  It's bad enough that they stole them...  It's even worse that they're stealing MY band-width to post them!  This is also not an isolated incident.  SEVERAL of their users have done this!  I finally had to block their parent server's IP address to stop the band-width theft.  However, they're still stealing the images.  Now, they just host them somewhere else.  This is VERY frustrating!  Flattering, but frustrating.
What a piss poor attempt to claim fame and bash on FF. We all know that the french are cowardly Freddy, but this was a poor attempt to claim some sort of french victory... piss poor attempt freddy cabbage
Ive been on 'FF' for a number of years.  The one thing it does is change your point of view - but not necessarily in the way that you would expect. It is a site that has become split between Europeans/pro Europeans and Americans/Pro-Americans.
The Europeans camp in general, tends to be better balanced with a higher education/work background than the American camp who mostly seem to be ex army, middle America, Republican, highly anti Mexican/Muslim - oh and weapon obsessed (our Helicopter's bigger than yours mentality).
In short, its not a site that, in my view, gives a balanced view of Americans in any way... just of those that are blatantly bigotted.
<nowiki>  I was a member for quite a while, until it started to become rather boring a few months ago.  While there had always been some things on FF that annoyed me from time to time (as is true for every member, I assume), the amusement outweighed the annoyance. Once the scales tipped to the other direction, and it was obvious things wouldn't improve, but only become worse, I found better outlets for my idle hours.
  The site has long since passed its prime.  Two, three, four years ago, it was genuinely amusing more often than not. Today, when it is, it is an exception to the rule.  Atlantic was right:  the great day of French-bashing is over and, as a result, an increasing percentage of the threads and comments are concerned with personal drama between members rather than the French or politics in general.
  True, there is still French-bashing, but it's generally on the level of "f**k you, Stinky" and other puerile comments.  When, even as an extremely nationalistic American who detests Europe and France, I found myself having more respect for the average French member than the average American member, it was well past time to move on. When the average American response to a post could have been handled as easily, and perhaps better, by a bot running a script (DieFrog, BurnParis, and StarSpangled come to mind), enough was enough.
  Add to that the fact that two of the newer moderators, BALM & MP, flagrantly and openly abuse their powers.  BALM cannot handle disagreement, so he abuses his power to punish those who disagree with him.  MP bases his actions on what he calculates will increase his popularity in the cyber world of FF, where his chances of being taken seriously are much greater than in RL where, as an obese hottub salesman with an internet bride, he's probably not held in as great a respect as he'd like.  Fuckfrance has declined noticeably since he took over as moderator. JLS is a bit brighter than these two bricks-with-lips, but he appears to be unable or unwilling to restrain them in any way.
  Having already built up a reservoir of disgust and contempt, it didn't take much: the final straw was when an appalling number of the so-called "God-fearing" Americans actually made fun of the death of a member back in April because they disagreed with her political opinions, forgetting this was a real person with a real life.  Such people have no business calling themselves Americans, having abandoned the principles upon which the Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
  R.I.P to the FF I enjoyed. And, if the "conservatives" of FF are really and truly are representative of the average American conservative, then I have to sadly agree that the anti-Americanism displayed over the last few years in Europe is well-founded.  However, I know better. The average American member of FF is neither a genuine rightist or a real American in the essentials that count. In fact, they are little better than the Mexican illegals or French they profess to despise and, in some cases, far worse.</nowiki>
I was a member of fuckfrance.com from 2003 until I went inactive almost a year ago.  Admittedly I still read it from time to time and have noticed that not only hasn't it changed since I left but things have gotten worse.  What was once a fun website full of satire and humor is now nothing but a  repetition of the same old name calling instead of anything that is even remotely intelligent or humorous.  The poster above has covered most of my disappointments with the site and done it in a well thought out and accurate manner.  I've also noticed that many of the old time posters are either no longer there or are posting infrequently, only to be replaced with a new nastier breed.  I am also an American who is embarrassed by a number of the members who seem to be the most prolific posters. If the owner of the site actually wants it to continue he needs to step in and try to get it back on track.
French victory is an oxymoron
'''Shon Deux is not interested in getting the site on track. If he really cared, he would have take an active role and dismissed the cretin ods he has now. The site was once humorous. I too was a member from 2003 up until last year. Between the moderators who really could care less about their own TOS and the rash of bigots and inbred morons, I have to believe the site was created by the French to put Americans in a bad light. There is no humor on the site anymore. The majority of threads are either about hatred or about flaming other members. Most of the good people on the site are gone. I wonder why others stick around. I doubt the site will exist by the end of 2009. That or it will just be a trickle of very sad comments from some very lonely and disturbed people. fuckfrance.com is a French victory. I am very glad that it does not represent a good cross-section of America or I would be ashamed to call myself an American. I wonder how many of those hateful posters on that site would really behave the same way in real life and in person. I think the answer is clear that they would cower if ever confronted and asked to repeat their vile hatred to a person face to face. The way they went on about a person who died in real life and was once a member of the site shows them to be nothing more than cowards and trash. Pathetic garbage that hangs out on ff.com like the lesbians and the jagedr creep are disgusting. One has to wonder what kind of horrible life people must have to spend time on a site like that stalking people who they do´not even know. Creepy is an understatement when it comes to that site. Glad to see it sinking into obscurity. '''
CAP is Love
: 4800 Baseline Rd
Cabbage is pwned yet again....
: Boulder CO 80303 US
: Fuckfrance.com
: Fuckfrance.com
: <email>116404f8e9db9c2f7fbaa16c43e5ffc0</email>
: <<email>21fb6bbe4a55c63fd67c72f5630663df</email></email>
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==External Links==
* '''Alexa''': [http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?url=fuckfrance.com FuckFrance.com]
==Influence Us==
==Influence Us==

Latest revision as of 14:00, 5 November 2013

About FuckFrance.com

What do you think of FF? Tell us why you're here and what you hope to accomplish. I'll sticky the best responses, pro or con.


English IS the universal language - French is a dead language

Community Reviews

What a piss poor attempt to claim fame and bash on FF. We all know that the french are cowardly Freddy, but this was a poor attempt to claim some sort of french victory... piss poor attempt freddy cabbage

French victory is an oxymoron

CAP is Love


Cabbage is pwned yet again....





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Dewi123sant's Comments on FuckFrance.com

  • Dewi123sant (frustrated) : when I joined several years ago it was the funniest open forum on the net - it was a pleasure to sign in - now alas it has gone to the dogs big-time - originally we had a group of mods that were fair minded and worked together - a permban meant just what it says and was always deserved - now a mod can overrule a permban and let degenerate members back on - you need look no further than CaptainMorgan's account for proof of why they were banned in the first place - now they have let him back in and he has dragged the site down - he obviously needs medical help as does the retarded mod that allowed him back in the first place - I have not found another site anywhere near as good as FuckFrance three or four years ago and I take no delight in it's demise at all - a very sad day for all - the only chance of survival they have is getting the mod team back and regulating the board properly - I am afraid MadPoet does not meet the standard required and the sooner they dump him the better - as other posters have said he is nothing but a fat useless hot tub salesman that has apparently had to purchase his young bride from Cambodia because no one else was interested in his big fat frame - Fri Dec 26 10:31:01 UTC 2008
  • Dewi123sant (frustrated) : when I joined several years ago it was the funniest open forum on the net - it was a pleasure to sign in - now alas it has gone to the dogs big-time - originally we had a group of mods that were fair minded and worked together - a permban meant just what it says and was always deserved - now a mod can overrule a permban and let degenerate members back on - you need look no further than CaptainMorgan's account for proof of why they were banned in the first place - now they have let him back in and he has dragged the site down - he obviously needs medical help as does the retarded mod that allowed him back in the first place - I have not found another site anywhere near as good as FuckFrance three or four years ago and I take no delight in it's demise at all - a very sad day for all - the only chance of survival they have is getting the mod team back and regulating the board properly - I am afraid MadPoet does not meet the standard required and the sooner they dump him the better - as other posters have said he is nothing but a fat useless hot tub salesman that has apparently had to purchase his young bride from Cambodia because no one else was interested in his big fat frame - Fri Dec 26 10:30:48 UTC 2008

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