Difference between revisions of "InstallingAboutUsOnOSX"

(Dev environment)
(Dev environment)
Line 28: Line 28: compostus compostus
* Go to /www/aboutus/compostus/compost and run geminstaller. This will standarized all gems needed t run AboutUs.
* Go to /www/aboutus/compostus/compost and run geminstaller. This will standarized all gems needed to run AboutUs.

Revision as of 19:50, 17 February 2009

Xcode tools


Dev environment

  • (Includes precompiled Apache, PHP, Ruby, and all necessary libraries and extensions)
  • Download au_dev_environment.dmg from nimbus and open the image file.
  • Copy [dev image]/opt and [dev image]/www to /
  • In /www/aboutus/au-tools and /www/aboutus/www edit the .git/config file to point to
  • Run the following in both of the above directories:
git pull
  • Copy mysql-5.0.67-osx10.5-x86 to /usr/local
  • Run the following commands to set up mysql:
cd /usr/local
sudo ln -s mysql-5.0.67-osx10.5-x86 mysql
sudo chown -R _mysql /usr/local/mysql/data
  • Edit your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc) and append the lines from [dev image]/profile
  • Restart any open terminal sessions.
  • Append the following line to /etc/hosts: compostus
  • Go to /www/aboutus/compostus/compost and run geminstaller. This will standarized all gems needed to run AboutUs.


  • Libraries copied over as part of dev environment install process should work fine.
  • However, the MacPorts installation is partially broken and won't install new libraries. To fix this, reinstall MacPorts (available at http://www.macports.org/install.php). This won't remove or overwrite existing libraries.
  • Do this after existing dev environment has been installed.


  • If vim is acting strangely, remove the MacPorts version--the built-in OS X version works much better. Do so by running
port uninstall vim

Build from scratch

Don't do this, it is many times more effort. If we somehow lose the dev environment image, here are partially correct instructions on how to rebuild from scratch: InstallingAboutUsOnOSXFromScratch.

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