Youn Wha Ryu is an Ancient Traditional Martial Art. Before the MMA craze and the current fad of cross discipline training, Youn Wha stood as a TRUE Mixed Martial Art.

Youn Wha Ryu is one of a very few systems in which you can train under a living Grandmaster that oversees your training, and promotions.

From age five in the Shaolin Temples and throughout his over 65 years of training in many styles, Grandmaster Han has developed a core curriculum that is unlike any other.

Here at our Central Arkansas Academies we bring the teachings of some of Martial Arts Greatest Masters to YOU!

Training Styles

Youn Wha Ryu Kung Fu Judo Hapkido Jujitsu Tae Kwon Do Tai Chi Kendo Hwarang-Do

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