
The domain holder of Write4u.info has decided to have no computer bot-generated information about their site on AboutUs.org.

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Community Reviews


Serenity was outstanding in a number of ways. She was patient with us when we had to refine our idea due to the major mess up that was out of our control. She was courteous and kind when we weren't as good as we should have been about communicating with her. With that said her writing as just the touch we needed. As a writer and editor myself, I know that overall it's more important to emphasize quality over quantity. It's better to have one telling item of specific detail than a dozen wandering ramblings. Serenity writes with clarity and makes it very easy for the reader to understand the message within a few sentences...she talks to them and not at them. She will continue to get work from me. You should consider her without hesitation for your next project.
  • posted by Anonymous on Nov 21, 2006, 2:33 pm

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