Games site featuring information about WarCraft, forum


The Warlocks Den


The idea came to me late one night not long before Christmas 2003, January 6th, 2004 was the day I kick started it all and opened it to the public.

I played Everquest for almost 5 years, and used all sorts of sites for information. From the first site I found (Everlore) to Allakazams, and then onto specific sites like EQ Traders Corner and EQ Altas. Along with class forums depending on what character I was playing at the time, these sites provided a mountain of helpful information. The most memorable was The Mage Compendium because after trying numerous other classes (Druid, Monk, Cleric, Rogue, Shadow Knight and Necro), I finally landed on a class I loved enough, I wanted to find out everything I could about it and play that class the best I could.

After using these sites (all of which were provided free by hard working admins) I decided it was time to give something back to the gaming community I had taken for granted for so long. I've known since day one that I would be a Warlock, and knowing I would never have the time to dedicate (or the desire) to a full blown fan site, a class specific site seemed perfect.

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